New address for WMR.....



Friday 28th March 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

The show features recordings of Steve Marshal on Coast 103 in Galway from November 1988, Steve is a good friend of WMR, as well as pirate radio DJ over many years. We had a think and came up with the following list of stations he worked on during the 80's, probably incomplete. Radio Invicta (London FM), Voice of Peace, and the following Irish stations. Southside Radio, ABC Tramore, South Coast Radio, Capitol Radio (Dublin FM only 1982 version), ERI, CCLR, WKLR, Atlantic Sound, WLS, Coast 103, Nova Fachan, Riverside 101, Radio North, WABC 2001 version. I think the last time I met up with Steve was at the Tony Allan memorial do in Dublin, 2004. Over 20 years ago!!

There is also a recording of an English SW station, Radio Woodpecker from Feb 1985, on a freq of 6260. It really is a forgotten SW pirate, and I have no more details about this one. And into the bargain, I have absolutely no recollection of hearing this station. Ideas anyone? Did they have an address for example??

I was kinda looking for a recording of weekly station, Radio Krypton, but found the first tape I tried was drowned out by the SITOR pulses on 6265. The funny thing was at the time, that was the frequency, they used and that was it. Never to qsy away from the QRM.

Another couple of clips of media network are included. A Caroline SW 6210 feature from the show on 25th Feb 88, and the QSOs, as well as the switch on of the YLE big 600kW transmitter on 963 that swamped signals from the Ross Revenge, clip from the show of 1st October 1987.

And finally, there is a clip of a very young sounding Steven Lynch on North Atlantic Radio in 1991. Steven went on to become a big cheese on Radio North, and presents the only live show on the station on a Saturday night between 10pm and 12 on 846kHz.

The trouble these days with the frequency of 846 is that there is a strong Dutch LPAM on the frequency, which causes QRM at night time to Radio North, The frequency used to be so clear for many years, since RAI vacated the channel. It is such a pity these Dutch stations use a known busy frequency. There was even one on there a couple of years ago working off channel (844 and 845) causing what could only be described as deliberate interference.

Playing ancient shows from someone brings me to another subject, and the old show of a very young Steven made me think. If I am playing someone elses old shows, then the very least I can do is feature some of my own very old shows. They are rather amusing to listen to now, and next week, I shall play a few airchecks of myself as a young fella. I have chickened out a few times from playing them.

So another feature packed show....!!!

Oh and the good news is that we have caught up with most of the E-QSLs. There are some longer emails need to be written, but in general, the eqsls have been cleared of a back log. Sorry you dxers for the delays in getting the replies out, but not as bad as the mess we used to get into with postal reports!!!!

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 28th March 2025


Friday 21st March 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

Today's show features recordings from The Northern Ireland Relay Service, Riverside Radio (Joe) 1986, Hospital Ship De Hoop, which if I am not mistaken was the ship in the movie, The Boat That Rocked. That I forgot to mention I think. There is also a recording from SW of Radio East Coast Commercial, and Live Wire Radio from MW. So another feature packed show....!!!


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 21st March 2025


Friday 14th March 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

Today's show features recordings of a couple of Gary Steven's stations in London. Radio Christmas from December 1979, and North London Radio from 1978. There is also a recording from a former common 48m band station, Britain Radio / BRI as well as a clip of a YL newsreader from RAI, The Italian Radio SW service. Hear how she sounds like she has been on the Italian wine, as she renamed the station to Radio Rome..LOL... There is also some airchecks from a bit of an obscure programme from Nick Richards 2 days before the Mi Amigo sank, on 17th March 1980.

Also on the show are tributes to The Damned and also to Fivestar!!

If you hear a strange mix of tracks towards the end of the show, Well there is a story. I played Al Stewart's Song on the Radio twice on the same show ...LOL.. It has been done before over the years. Luckily I caught it and noticed the error, so substituted the track for Year of the cat. You can hardly hear the join..LOL.. But boy would I have looked silly.. So there is an explanation of the intro before Year of the Cat that didn't belong there...


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 14th March 2025



Friday 7th March 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

Features in todays show include Radio Caroline March 85, 40 years ago testing on short lived 585kHz. Also some Media Network clips about Radio Brod, Police scanners, and Chris Cary being jailed in New Zealand after Rupert M catching up with him. There is a recording from Fresh Air 2000 from 1999 on 6243, and Island Radio 2004/5 6260, LBH radio from 2000 on 1386 via the Kalliningrad transmitter, And finally what is probably a slip of the tongue from Valley Wave Radio ann Altantic 252 as 252 metres, as well as a clip of Northside Radio from 1989 and an amusing promo for 846 metres. There were many instances of DJs announcing the wrong frequencies.... We should make a segway of clips from this over the years....


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 6th/7th March 2025


Friday 28th February 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

Quite a number of recordings and clips are featured in this weeks show again.

There are recordings of the following:.

Laser 558 with Rick Harris and Erin Kelly announcing various antenna troubles.

Some lesser known SW stations of the past are featured as follows.

Independent Radio North 6225 1992
Radio Atlantis Midlands address 6300 1995
Radio Ability 1993
Renegade Radio
FRS London May 1992 6205 test transmission
Radio London???? Manchester address Dec 1992 6210 Who used a Manchester address back then???
UPDATE :It was Radio Lightning, thanks to XTC for help with the ID.

Emerald Radio 6240 November 1992 (note - After the 1988 bill)

QSO stns
Jupiter 7380 1992 Talking about SF03 Brian, another QSO station from the 90s.
Jack Daniels calling WMR 1993
Radio Gloria with his amusing Voice of the Gout Sufferers calling WMR 1993

NB:Any dxers out there that can add any info about these little known SW stations featured this last couple of weeks, do get in touch. It would be interesting to learn some more about these transmissions after all this time.

Test transmissions from Classic FM 1993

Closure ann from Smooth 1260 27th Feb, and tests from that txer opening on 1260 in 1983 as Marcher Sound, which also carried Radio City from Liverpool at times did it not??.

And there are also a few radio related records to start with, and a tribute to the late Roberta Flack.


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 28th February 2025


Friday 21st February 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

Quite a number of recordings and clips are featured in this weeks show. Lets hope you find them all interesting as dxers.

There are recordings of the following:.

South Shropshire Communications Test and development 1990
Highland Radio, a Scottish station from 1993 that never got past a single test transmission I don't think. That test is included today.
The Nitrozone on 6275 Sept 92,
Rocket 48 on 6220 Aug 91,
Delta Ruurlo 8th May 93,
Midlands Music Radio 6220 / 6210 3rd May 92, ,
DLR 6221 8th May 93,
European Christian Radio 6220 inc interval signal, 7th August 1993,
Laser 558 tapes on 1494 20th Feb 2025
Radio Camelion NL 1512 20th Feb 2025
Southside Radio Tony Allan jingles from around 1980, with the "YOU" beds. , (Anyone have decent quality of beds only???)

And there are a few records flung in today for good measure inc a tribute to THE JAM drummer Rick Buckler.


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 21st February 2025


Friday 14th February 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below.

We have quite a number of recordings on todays show, including Radio Valleri from Dublin from 1978, tests from Viva 963, Premier 1413, BBC Notts closing 1521, and Polish radio 1503. Also the Japanese relay of Radio Aum Shi....via Moscow from the 1990s, and SW one offs Easy International Radio and Radio Jackie revival from 1995. And finally an unusual station on 2404.5 commemorationg one of Marconi's milestones from 1895, G9CDP....,

We also have a good amount of clips lined up for next week......

It was really great having the signal back on 6325 last weekend. Superb signals. Thanks to all concerned.....

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 14th February 2025


Friday 7th February 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below. Mainly music this week... and two short features.. Big O from Radio Rainbow Newrey.. and 1494 unid prob Swedish station playing Waltzing Matilda.

We also feature news today of Australian MW reception in the UK in the SE/ Fens by John F from Skywaves. Of course the clip is too poor to play on SW.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 7th February 2025


Friday 31st January 2025

Todays show for the weekend is linked below. Prob more comments to add tomorrow, but for now the link is given below...

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 31st January 2025


Friday 24th January 2025

Todays show for the weekend 24th/26th January 2025 is linked below. It was a bit of a bitty show recording in sections and saving the file incase the power dropped out during the recording and resulting in file loss. But we made it.

Today there are airchecks from the 1978 BBC frequency changes, from BBC Radio 3 as well as BBC Radio Leeds. Listen especially to the poetic way the Radio 3 announcer talks about the frequency changes. Amazing.

After a political station appeared last weekend on SW, I had a look for Radio Enoch clips. Although I found a recording or two, I felt it would have been unfair and a little rude to ask a relay station to air these airchecks as they were quite "rough". And very outspoken and extreme. So midway through the show the idea was abandoned, and there are some airchecks of a Mike Ross show on Radio Northsea from January 1974.

Frequencies again for the weekend, 3975 via SW Gold. See last weeks entry for the sched.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 24th January 2025


Friday 17th January 2025

Todays show for the weekend around the 17th, 18th and 19th Jan is linked below. This week we feature KISS FM Monaghan, from 1988. This station was well heard all over Europe in that year on 1008 after Holland signed off for the night.

And no buzzing on the audio this week.

Just a reminder our primary service on 6325 is off air till Feb. So only via SW Gold timeslots this next few weeks. A reminder of the times....

Fridays: 21:00 GMT 3975

Saturday: 16:00 GMT 3975, 21:00 GMT 3975

Sunday: 11.00 GMT 6160, 16:00 GMT 3975, 23:00 GMT on 3975

Monday: 23:00 GMT on 3975


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 17th January 2025


Friday 10 January 2025

Update Saturday:

Again SW friends, I must apologise and offer sincere apologies for the awful recording produced this week. I have rebuilt studio 2, and while playback and desk are all OK, there was some kind of a dicky earth connection in the sound card, a small USB thing, of the second PC used for recording. And time is not on our side for this weekend to re record. This is what happens when we have no emergency show recorded to fall back on. Back to normal next week folks.

The show for this weekend is linked below.

I must offer my humble apologies. This show is probably in dire need of re recording. There is a buzz through it which was not noticed, and was not heard during recording on the playback machine/ desk. *&%$*** ... Must be a loose connection on the recording PC. What to do. Well there is no time to do a re recording tonight, Friday. If this is too poor a quality for broadcasting, which I consider it to be, maybe an airing of an old show can be made...... I might find the time to re record on Saturday. Its not like you can use the well worn wont notice this on AM.... Because you will...!!!!

Originally it was supposed to include a Westside Radio recording , classic Prince Terry from 1989, as well as clips of a Radio Gladice from the Motherwell/ Glasgow area.

Again my humble apologies......

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 10th January 2025


Friday 3rd January 2025

The show for this weekend is linked below.

This is the first transmission for 2025, and includes tributes to Johnnie Walker as well as some clips of Caroline adrift some 40 years ago, in Jan 1985..

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 3rd January 2025


Friday 27th December 2024

The show for the weekend between Christmas and New Year is linked below.

May I sincerely wish each and every one of our listeners a very Happy New Year when it comes. And of course the same wishes go out to all the folks that make these radio shows a reality every weekend. My best heart felt wishes to you all...

Thank you to ourprimary service for the signals on 25th and 26th. Much appreciated.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 27th December 2024


Tuesday 24th December 2024

The show for Christmas Day and Boxing Day is linked below.

Featured in this show is a clip of Tony Allan's show on Radio Nova Dublin Christmas 1984, when they were running 50kW. There is also a rather poor clip of DRM recorded from an ELAD receiver, on a booming signal on 6195. (incorrectly listed as 6295 for months.)

May I sincerely wish each and every one of our listeners a very merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year when it comes. And of course the same wishes go out to all the folks that make these radio shows a reality every weekend. My best heart felt wishes to you all...

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded 24th December 2024


Friday 20th December 2024

The show for this week is linked below.

Featured this weekend is a recording I found of Radio Nova Dublin announcing the Ross is leaving port in early August 1983. My opinion is and probably was at the time that the news item should have been held back till the ship had actually left Spanish waters. But the outcome was good and we all know what happened to her in the days that followed. Also on the same old tape was a recording of Radio Jackie, London from 1323 as heard in Scotland. Also on the show is a recording of Uranium International 6306, 26th April 2003, talking about Paul Johnson's death. Paul was behind UK Radio. He also did shows on Laser, and of course a whole lot more over the years. There was a few other recordings that we ran out of time for, including a Tony Allan Radio Nova broadcast on Xmas day 1984. Also there are a few Xmas records this week.......

Late News today is that we may well have an extra Christmas show for Christmas Day / Boxing day....... Watch this space, as they say.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 20th December 2024


Friday 13th December 2024

The show for this week is linked below.

Featured this weekend is the 40th anniversary of Radio Moneik coming on air from the Ross Revenge in December 1984, as well as some recordings of Radio Caroline during the Christmas period 1979. This includes an obvious taped contribution to the christmas day show, aired at night time from Tom Anderson and Stevie Gordon. They announced as having rowed out to be on the ship for an hour or so, and announced as everyone up on deck waving goodbye when they went off back to shore. No prizes for guessing what I believed to be true at that time. Well I was only about 16....LOL..

There is also a recording of Radio Mistletoe from 2009.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 13th December 2024


Friday 6th December 2024

The show for this week is linked below.

A bit of a rush tonight uploading. But just to say that we had a great weekend of broadcasting last weekend on 6325kHz. It looks like a great frequency choice, away from the utility QRM hitting 48m. Well done to our engineering staff. Maybe more comments over the weekend, but for now lets get the file uploaded.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 6th December 2024


Friday 29th November 2024

The show for this week is linked below. In fact it will be upoladed late Thursday this week due to commitments on the normal recording day, Friday.

Last weekend we had a jolly good weekend of broadcasting on 6325, away from the qrm. Signals were superb. We were as usual via SW Gold in Germany at various times on 3975. eg Friday and Sat 2100UTC. See below for full sched.....

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 29th November 2024


Friday 22nd November 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Apologies for the date being wrong in last weeks entry. This is what becomes of copy and pasting as a shortcut!!!

This weekends show contains a tribute to the Bee Gees drummers two of whom died withing four days of each other. A recording of a final broadcast from Radio Zenith from August 1980, Tribute to Howard Hughs, newsreader from Radio Nova in 1984 as well as some airchecks from Tony Allan who was doing the show. There is also a short clip of Radio Lothian from Scotland in 1975, recorded in Sevenoaks, Kent from SW.

I thought something was up when I was ready to upload the show for this week, and there was no WMR web site, but it must have been a temp server outage. All fine shortly afterwards.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 22nd November 2024



Friday 15th November 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week we have a few shorter features / IDs from the likes of Radio Japan via Sines, Russian over the horison radar / woodpecker, Radio Freedom from Scotland, and a longer clip, (but not too long!!) of Steve Midnight on Subteranean Sounds from 1995. There are also a few Southside Radio jingles by Tony Allan from Dunlaoire/ Dublin from around 1980.

We had a good weekend of broadcasting last weekend, with KISS AM airing WMR on Saturday, while our "primary service" was on 6280 to avoid QRM. The bandwidth was dropped down a bit as well....!!!! This weekend we are informed there will be no 6285/ 6280 signals...... So hopefully KISS AM will take the show again, as well as via SW Gold in Germany....

I have to apologise to a couple of French guys who sent reports to WMR a few weeks ago. James in Calais, and Damier further down country. Their QSL was returned. It was re sent after the "sent" box was emptied a bit due to so many 5 meg attachments, incase I had somehow reached a space limit. They were returned a second time. I emailed them without attachments to explain. And these emails were returned!!!! So I await your emails guys maybe from a diffferent address. Both were addresses.

On the subject of emails, a very impatient Norwegian sent a follow up after a few days, looking for a QSL. Geez, Radio Norway never replied as fast as that either...Have patience OM, we only do the QSLs every couple of weeks, depending on our other sched / commitments.....

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 15th November 2024



Friday 8th November 2024

The show for this week is linked below. The main feature in this weeks show is a recording from this weekend back in 1980, when Radio Woodstock here in Scotland was raided while broadcasting live on 7315kHz. There is also a live call with James Harding who was going to come up to visit, and do a show on Woodstock, but after the bust, never did. There is also an engineering test from Picadilly 1151kHz from 1974.

The programme is a little earlier going on line this week due to other commitments on Friday early evening....

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 8th November 2024


Friday 1st November 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week features an old recording from Radio Atlantis South, and Venus North, both from 1972..!! Very early recording of SW pirates. There are two recent recordings. Radio Taxus 6290 from Tuesday night, and Radio Texas (via Mix Radio) from 6870 on Halloween night / 1st November around 0038. Booming signal for that one as well here in NW Europe. We also include a few minutes of IDs from the European MW band from last week. Various stations including World Music Radio 927, and IRRS 1323..

We wish you good reception on the SW.

Update Saturday: I have to shame facedly apologise for the slip of the tongue in announcing Kossuth Radio 540 as the most powerful transmitter in Europe at 2000 Watts..!!! It is obviously 2000 KW..!!!! A momentary lapse of concentration.

Also promised during the show was the winter sched of the WMR shows on SW Gold. Again, forgotten during the recording, so here goes with the times.....

Fridays: 21:00 UTC/GMT 3975

Saturday: 16:00 UTC/GMT and 21:00 UTC/GMT 3975

Sunday: 11.00 UTC/GMT on 6160, 16:00 UTC/GMT and 23:00 UTC/GMT on 3975

Monday: 23:00 UTC/GMT on 3975


WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 1st November 2024


Friday 25th October 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week features an old recording from summer 1978 from EMR, announcing their 1st test on 41m. Good signal for off air.... Also the recording we couldn't find last week of the night time coded messages broadcast on MW 962kHz from Caroline on the Mi Amigo on 20th October 1978. There was also a short clip of Radio Moscow from 1991 just after a coup, but reception was not as good as I imagined it would have been on the old tape.

Apologies for the typo on last weeks entry. Wrong date. Never noticed till tonight.....

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 25th October 2024


Friday 18th October 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week features a couple of old WMR clips from 1980, German DJ Stevie Owen, and Dave Anderson. Still not had the courage to use an early Jack show...LOL....Maybe soon. (Please don't write to old addresses by the way, there is no one there. These recordings are for historical enjoyment and entertainment)

Well last weeks talk of solar flares etc came to nothing. The signals were superb all weekend...!!!!! What a difference a day makes.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 18th October 2024


Friday 11th October 2024

The show for this week is linked below.

I am not sure who will be on air this weekend, or if it is a weekend for doing other stuff. Friday/ Thursday night the whole SW and even MW was absolutely flat caused by the strong aurora, so it will be understandable if we hear nothing at all,,!! When the other parts of the UK were seeing visible aurora on Thursday night, we had blanket cloud cover, so no photos this time. It looked a lovely display and the all too rare colourful sky was seen at quite low lattitudes by all accounts. Who knows maybe the band will recover quite quickly??? Or maybe not. A little better at 1700 Friday.

It was an active weekend for WMR last week. On Saturday we were on air via KISS AM 6300 in Ireland. And on Sunday our primary service was on air on 6285. But unusually, the signal that has appeared on 6940 area of the band over the last year and a bit, was on air from approx 0400/ 0600 in the early hours of Saturday night / Sunday morning. 6th October. The conditions at that time were absolutely stunning, as we have reports in not only from East Coast North America, but from West Coast British Columbia, Canada, Alaska, New Zealand, Guatemala. The recordings from Canada and New Zealand feature in this weeks show. That is on top of the airings via SW Gold in Germany.

So thank you to each and every one of you for your efforts last weekend..All very much appreciated here.

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 11th October 2024


Friday 4th October 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Today we have features from European Music Radio when they used the address of 7 Godric Road, previous to Kent PLace. There is also a longer recording of Radio Viking with Phil Hazelton, sounding great as always. An advert for the Nova 5k giveaway that we couldn't find for last weeks show, and lastly, a 1983 give away on Radio Nova, this time a 6k giveaway. Amazing stuff. And only just dug out of the archives by Gary....

Apologies that we seem to have to use Pixeldrain to link our shows now......Such a pain....

Thank you to everyone concerned for a great weekend of broadcasting again last week. Some good signals as well.......

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 4th October 2024


Friday 27th September 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week's show is going to have to be uploaded to Pixeldrain again.

The reason is it seems that although we took out unlimited web space and traffic, It seems that their opinion of unlimited web space is a mere 10 gig. These days, this is actually a joke. I could see the force of it if we had used 1 TB...LOL.... So we need to come up with yet another plan B, seeing as this is another company not fit for purpose.

Anyway this weeks show features the Radio Nova Dublin 5 grand giveaway in September 1984...An amazing 40 years ago.

Last week we were on the air via Shortwave Radio in Germany, but on Sunday afternoon, our primary service came back on the air on 6285. But shortly afterwards, the show was aired via KISS AM on 6300 as well.... There was also some kind of a relay on 6945 ish or was it 6940. It seemed unclear if this was the QRO signal that comes on from time to time, or a relay in North America, where the signal was reported.

OK, link below....


Friday 20th September 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week the show features former German station, PFBS from Christmas 1979. Found on the same tape was a historic triumphant Radio Bucharest Romania recording from 23rd December after the overthrow of the former regime. A very moving and emotional broadcast. And lastly a very short but interesting aircheck of Radio Viking, which came to a very abrupt end. Prob from 1978. Yet I thought they used the Kent Place address in 1978.

Again, many thanks to our friendly relay guys for the airtime last weekend. Much appreciated.

AHHH...!!! What's going on now...... I can't get the show uploaded to the site. Limit reached or something, despite the large volume of web space that was booked. I must look into this over the weekend, but till then, here is a PIXELDRAIN link.......

WMR SHOW - PIXELDRAIN LINK Recorded Friday 20th September 2024


Friday 13th September 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week the show features a German SW station from the 1970's called Radio Valentine. We did at one stage have airchecks from another studio recording which we played on SW years ago, but as to be expected, the tape is not to be found at this time. And there is also yet another tribute on WMR to fallen comrades, and this week it is to Carl Kingston, Caroline Jock in 1983, and also from the Ross Revenge weekend only last week!!

Last week we had contact from our so called primary service, that it would be off air for a couple of weeks. Of course this email address wasnt checked in time before the show was recorded, so the freq was announced anyway. Also thanks to the 5825 guy last Friday night....

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 13th September 2024


Friday 6th September 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Today we feature some airchecks of Radio Free London in 1996 from SW. This was during a visit from the WMR Team. Progrmmes are a bit riotous...LOL... Great memories, great times. The late Mike James and myself. A bit more broadcastable compared to the tape of a live show from about 1992 around 2 in the morning!! That was a riot..LOL... Maybe we can upload them to the WMR archives on line here.....

Thank you to all our friendly relay guys last week.... Such another great weekend of broadcasting of the MOA in Holland airchecks.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 6th September 2024


Friday 30th August 2024

The show for this week is linked below. The WMR show for today features extended recordings this week, due to the commemoration of the Dutch MOA on 31st August 1974, some 50 years ago this very weekend. I was in two minds whether to upload a longer show, as well as a two hour show to fit into the times for SW Gold. But for now we have the usual two hours linked below. There is also a little tribute to Caroline's Dave Foster who died last Sunday.

I had to take the unusual step of editing/ shortening three of the motown tracks played in this weeks show. I feel the anniversary is too important to have less airchecks. I also wanted to include Michael Robinson.

For the MOA recordings, I have airchecked the last Don Allen show on Northsea, from 30th August 1974, complete with his annoyingly awful insets he used at one time. This was instead of doing the last hour. To make a change. Then there are a few clips from LP Documentaries re the Mi Amigo as she weighed anquor on 29th August, and set sail for the English coast. A nice clip of Caroline closing early on that date but not saying why, with Tony Allan claiming a labour dispute..!!

Please enjoy this special MOA show.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 30th August 2024


Friday 23rd August 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week we feature some Caroline daytime from August 14th 1967, as posted by Freddie Archer, Caroline from early October 1978 with Stevie Gordon sitting in for Roger Mathews who was steamin....LOL.. Also there is Samantha, talking about water splooshing around her ankles and the sound of the pumps going... THere is also an aircheck of VOA Europe and Spectrum testing on 558kHz. I wish I could find the recording of spectrum I have with caroline and spectrum fighting it out... .. And I also have a recording somewhere of ILR tests from Northdown Radio (became Invicta) on 954, after Caroline started... So you can imagine the splatter....... I have it somewhere but not come across it as yet.

This weeks show is linked below.....

Last weeks broadcasts were on 6285, as well as 6160 and 3975... The QRO transmitter on 6940 came on again 2230 Saturday night. Signals in Eastern USA KIWI receivers were quite amazing. It was also heard Brazilia, Sao Paulo, as well as Lanzarote. And to cap it all, there was a further relay at 1800 on Sunday on 3920!!! A busy WMR weekend. Many thanks to all the operators who made all this possible. So very much appreciated.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 23rd August 2024


Friday 16th August 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This week on WMR we feature recordings from European Music Radio / Radio Sunshine network show, WCBS New York 880, CHML Hamilton, Ontaria 900, and an old recording of WMR from 10th August 1980 with Dave Anderson.

Thanks to all the relay facilities last weekend for another great weekend of broadcasting. The QRO signal on 6940 was on air again Saturday night, 2230/0030, and brought in a report from Bogota, Columbia..!!! EQSLs already sent out for this...

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday16th August 2024


Friday 9th August 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Todays show features recordings from SW station Radio Rabbithole, from 1983, an echo charlie oddity from 1983, Musicwave Radio from 3940 on 8th August, and Coast Grand Canaries 1494 from last Sunday at 2100.

Thank you to everyone who got in touch this week, and of course thanks to our friendly relay guys who as always did us proud last weekend. We even had an additional relay on 6275 on Saturday 17/1900. Thanks to all concerned....!!!...

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday9th August 2024


Friday 2nd August 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This weeks show features airchecks from English SW station from the past, Radio Maniac, Time Radio, and Radio Valleri. All from 1977.

Remember this weekend is a busy radio weekend, as the guys who worked on the Mi Amigo in the late 1970's are on board the Ross making special SOUNDS OF THE 70'S shows. Wallowing in nostalgia or what.

Also FRS Holland are on the air again Sunday with their 3rd of 3 weekends in a row broadcasts.

Last weekend was a very successful and full weekend of broadcasting here at WMR. As well as our usual transmissions from our primary service as well as SW Gold, the unid relay came on Saturday night on 6940kHz, 2230/0030 and signals towards sign off at 0030 UTC were quite amazing over in the states. It was really an excellent time to reach across the Atlantic. Thanks again for your efforts, whoever you are..and in fact thanks to all the services that carry the WMR programmes. We are so humbled.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 2nd August 2024


Friday 26th July 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Sorry to be brief, but quite busy here tonight. A feature of ARD, as well as a recording of a station mentioned last week, Flying Dutchman Radio included in this weeks show. Good dx and 73s from Scotland...

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 26th July 2024



Friday 19th July 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This weeks show continues with our features on SW pirates of the past.ABC Benelux, IDs from the following Dutch 227m MW pirates... Radio Apollo (Finsterwolde), and Radio Tonga Tonga (Rouveen). We eventually found the clip of Houston Radio as well, also with an address in Finsterwolde. 1978 / 79 era. There is a clip / tripute to Paul Dean of Laser 558 / 576. And finally a clip of a station mentioned in last weeks show, Sonic Independent Radio from Shankhill, Co Dublin.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 19th July 2024


Wednesday 17th July 2024

The WMR QSL for SUMMER 2024 has been finished and sent out to the dxers who wrote to the new email address. I have to go through the old email address and have a look for late emails that were sent before the address vanished from the ether.

A blank / sample QSL pdf is downloadable here

Summer 2024 QSL pdf


Friday 12th July 2024

The show for this week is linked below. This weeks show continues with our features on SW pirates of the past. Radio Berona, Empire Radio, Radio Capri, Radio Kathy / Radio Freedom, all from 1978 / 79 era.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 12th July 2024


Friday 5th July 2024

The show for this week is linked below. We have quite a lot of radio clips on this weeks show, including Radio Paradise from the MV Magda Maria in 1981, and Southside Radio FRC Ireland show telling us how it was coming back in October 81, (It Radio Sweden telling us Caroline was coming back on September 1st 1981, (It Radio RSA using 25790 in 1979. There is a couple of poor quality clips of Britain Radio, the Kent Place station from the late 70s with Steve Jones, not Roger Davis' station. We also found some audio from the various QSOs from Sounds 79. This station was a common signal back in the day, later becoming UV1, Ron. Sounds 79 is also heard jamming Radio Enoch. And finally I think, a clip of Radio Nova from the Italian Rivierra, an april fools broadcast also from 1979.


WMR was again heard via the 5840 transmitter last Sunday 1800/2000 GMT/ UTC. Again, many thanks for this extra transmission on a Sunday evening. Much appreciated, whoever you are.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 5th July 2024


Friday 28th June 2024

The show for this week is linked below. We are presenting a programme this week with quite a lot of old radio clips, mainly due to the passing of both Arthur Burton / Andy Allman, as well as long time listener David Williams of Southampton. We also feature recordings of Andy Allman on London Music Radio, on RFM (1988) as Arthur Burton, and as Andy Allman on SW on Radio 49 in the summer of 1978. We found a recording of a live call on Radio Woodstock from 1980 with David Williams. There is a Radio Sweden calling dxers clip from April 1979, with pirate radio news, as well as a clip of a SW test from Radio Jackie on 6250. There is also a clip of Radio Delta Elburg from 1980 on 227m. This is the father of Radio Delta that is on the air today. There may be others that I have forgotten!!!!


Thanks to the unid operator for carrying WMR last Sunday 18/2000 GMT on 5840. This freq is prob a better bet. Thanks for the airtime and being aware of the frequencies that are clear....

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 28th June 2024


Friday 21st June 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Today we feature a few tunes, as well as some SW pirates from the past. These are ABC England final broadcast from May 1978, and Radio Sunshine International from July 1978.

There is also an audio clip of how Radio Blackbeard sounded last weekend on 1476.


An email came in to the mailing address last weekend after the QRO transmission on 6195, last Sunday from 1800 - 2000 UTC. We thought this was a great freq to use and close down just in time for the VOA to sign on with their African service at 2000. Signals were even romping in over in Tambov, Russia, on the KIWI, which makes us think it was the same txer that used the 6950 are of the band??

However neither us here at WMR, or it seems the unknown operator was aware of a 15 watt station that has begun using the channel, from Finland, called Realmix Radio. Apologies for any clash of transmitters old chap. He suggested 6185 should also be clear at this same time.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 21st June 2024


Friday 14th June 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Today we feature Radio Zodiac from 1978, and Radio Free City from 1980. Apologies if the show is a little rushed this weekend. We were kinda busy at the studio over the last few days.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 14th June 2024


Friday 7th June 2024

The show for this week is linked below. Lets hope everyone concerned finds the show in good time this weekend. Finished a little bit earlier than normal.

Today the show features a test transmission from Radio Delmare from 1978, inc English IDs etc..

It is 44 years since the official start of WMR, on 8th June 1980...!! We played quite a lot of airchecks of WMR last year at this time...

Best wishes to all our regular listeners and supporters, and relay facilities. Much appreciated chaps..

NB:Message to web site and Blog owners. If you have linked to WMR, can we ask you to change the links to the current web address and email address please. We intend to make this permanent, seeing as the old outfit was not really fit for purpose.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 7th June 2024


Friday 31st May 2024

The show for this weekend is linked below. Recorded Friday 31st May, and featuring a couple of old SW pirates. Radio Corsair (1978), and FRBC (1977), The Free Radio Broadcasting Co. We have done FRBC in the past, but these recordings were taken off aircheck Gary's master reel from the time, and not a second or third generation copy.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 31st May 2024


Thursday 30th May 2024 (Welcome back to our loyal listeners)

The show for the weekend of 24th May is linked below.... This programme features station EXIDY 738 with Tony Allan, as well as Sunshine Radio on the jamming to their 531kHz MW service in 1984, some 40 years ago. There is also a tribute to the late Frank Ifield.

ONE.COM... The show also features a lot of moaning about web space and URL company and their sudden closure of the WMR web site, This has been registered through this mickey mouse outfit for many years, and is fully paid up until years end. So are we due compensation for each day it is off line??? Yea sure, and the band played believe it if you like. They have decided after all these years, to ask for photo ID etc which I am not prepared to give, for simple privacy and security reasons. They have also bombarded me with their own spam emails recently, as well as having a serious lack of spam filtering for other general junk, some of it quite dubious and malicious....

So now there is a new address for WMR.....

There is now a replacement web site up and running. The new address is I am quite happy keeping this as a permanent web address, Although it doesn't have the .com ring to it, for now it seems reliable, and much cheaper than the old outfit anyway.

We may change over to the .com address again after it becomes available again. The biggest problem with was the fact that there is no one at the phones, and no one at the on line help chat. I have no patience to hang on a phone help line waiting for 3 hours of stupid lift music, waiting incase some twit answers the phone. So they have become like insurance companies, and the likes. The untouchables. Uncontactable.

Incidentally, a simple teething problem with the new .de web space was easily sorted after an instantly available on line help chat.

Apologies for the break in service for just over a week, due to circumstances beyond our control.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 24th May 2024


Sunday 19th May 2024

Today I have finally uploaded the amazing photos of the aurora as seen in Scotland on Friday night 10th May. This was a first in a lifetime for both yours truly Jack and YL, a first in 61 years!! Of course, as stated below, the SW as well as the MW band was just a total wipeout. But we were pretty privileged to see this at that time. We may have been asleep or the YL might not have been working with her phone and saw images from others locally. So we took a spin out of town to a dark area, one of the old WMR broadcast sites actually, and were rewarded with an absolutely stunning sight.

Her phone may have enhanced the view just a little bit, but this was more or less as it was seen. My own phone on the other hand produced only a black screen!!!

And into the bargain, there are a few decent cameras kicking around but this was too rushed to look anything out and charge up etc. So to get photos from a phone camera like this was simply amazing. But no long shutter speeds used to enhance etc, this was how it was seen with the naked eye.




Friday 17th May 2024

Today things are a little different on the programme side of WMR. We are commemorating the anniversary of the brutal raids over in Dublin some 41 years ago, 18th and 19th May 1983 of Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio. So due to the material available, there is a staggering amount of the show today with long recordings. These are so historical and nostalgic, it was felt that we shouldnt be cutting anything down to 10m, the length of our usual airchecks and features.

Lets hope that there are no major shortwave fadeouts this week like we had last weekend. That visible aurora, although making personal history of a first time viewing in 61 years, certainly killed the SW, and even the MW. I have never seen anything like it. I have to thank our friendly transmitter operators for their persiverence in keeping the flag flying last week, when the band was just dead at these more northern lattitudes.

Tonight the object of the day is to upload the show, but I shall try and get a couple of photos uploaded here by tomorrow.

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 17th May 2024


Saturday 11th May 2024

Well, What can I say about the last few hours. We have experienced one of the most severe solar flares, aurora, shortwave fadeouts, mw fade outs I have ever seen. And also managed to see visible aurora with the naked eye. Not camera time exposures, but real reds and greens in the sky. Absolutely amazing at these lattitudes. There are photos all over the web of aurora at these lower latitudes. I can only imagine the spectacular displays further north.

The odd thing was the display was seen not in the northern sky, but above and even high looking south, but as it faded out, we turned around to see a spectacular (for a first time view) green northern sky.

The effect this has on SW is extreme. The first play at 2000 UTC Friday of this weeks show was almost heard, but so weak on 6160 as to make listening impossible. 3875 was simply not there.

I am unsure what (if any) plans our regular relay chap has. It may be a complete waste of time this week.

The show is linked below anyway. .


Friday 10th May 2024

Well, here is this weeks show linked below.

Today we feature a one off SW broadcast called Workers Radio 78 which was on 41m via Radio Corsair. In fact it was Radio Corsair. Also the Raid at the end of March 1980 of ABC International . Hillrise Road station. This was airing the 6235 network at the time.

There is also some memories of Dave Anderson on Radio Telstar from Edinburgh in May 1980, taken from MW, and recorded about 40 or 50 miles maybe from the station. .

WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 10th May 2024


Friday 3rd May 2024

Well, here is this weeks show linked below.

Featured this week is SW station Radio Seaweed, as well as a clip of the live broadcast of Radio Utopia. This ended up a bit rough as the tape had serious drop outs on it.

Good news on the QSL front. We were sending out QSLs on Thursday night (When the YL was working late so no QRM from that area....LOL), There are a few left to catch up on over the weekend, but minimal, and stuff from the last couple of weeks. We also have some our weekly correspondents to catch up on as well..Maybe once these are replied to there will be time to add another page on WMR news for the summer of 2024.

We wish you good reception over this weekend, and thank you to all of you for showing the support to the SW stations.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 3rd May 2024


Friday 26th April 2024

Well, here is this weeks show, Today we are featuring exclusively, recordings of old vintage WMR shows from April 1980, due to the fact we are commemorating our 44th anniversary. We are featuring recordings from this very weekend back in 1980 when three very young guys aired the first successful test transmission from WMR. Poor old Mike is no longer with us, but Jack and Dave A are still to the fore, and although now live many miles distant, are in very regular contact, especially in the last year when WMR has returned to SW..

We were sent an updated aircheck of Radio Seaweed, from Gary the Aircheck man, but we sort of ran out of time with the extensive WMR memories this weekend. Maybe next week.

Also apologies for the error in saying there were no ships in European waters from 1980 to 1983. Woops. Forgot about Radio Paradise. Naughty Naughty.

One surprise email this week came from the guy on the airchecks last week, Tom Baker from Bell Radio / LA1. Great to hear from you OM, and what a surprise.

We are also commemorating 1 year on the airwaves, since our return to SW after a few long years of silence. So a huge thanks to our friendly relay chaps. A year back on sw this weekend. Amazing.. Simply superb.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 26th April 2024


Friday 19th April 2024

Well, here is this weeks show, Possibly a little late, but still on time. Features this week include Radio Seaweed from 1981, a SW station, as well as some echo charlie QSOs from 1980, and station LA1, Tom of Bell Radio. A familiar voice on SW back then. ,. There may be more chatter on this page later, but for now here is this weeks show.

By the way, we have a few weeks worth of QSL requests to proccess. Don't worry, the e QSLs will be sent out shortly. Busy life outside of WMR!!!

WMR SHOW - Recorded 19th April 2024


Friday 12th April 2024

Well, here is this weeks show, linked below, still in white. Thing is, links on the page were white, and there was a bit of work to make the other links a different colour. In this case blue. Would rather get time, which I have not had to see what code disappeared. I will get around to it.

Last Sunday night there was a surprise with the QRO station relaying WMR on 6945. This was heard all over the States according to reports. I missed that, by 2100 I was sat on the couch watching TV..!!! That will learn me not to check the bands.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 12th April 2024


Saturday 6th April 2024

Woops. I have just run an automated "clean up html" command. It has taken the colour out the links. This table is shaded slightly as a quick fix, before I find out properly what I have done. It was so long ago that this page was designed, I have forgotten. Bear with me...

There have been changes to the airings WMR has via Shortwave Gold in Germany. Due to the summertime, etc, the following times are now in place. The times are listed here, as it is quite a complex sched to remember.


20:00 - 2200 UTC on 3975 and 6160 kHz


15:00 - 1700 UTC on 6160 kHz
20:00 - 2200 UTC on 3975 and 6160 kHz


10:00 - 1200 UTC on 6160 kHz
15:00 - 1700 UTC on 6160 kHz
22:00 - 0000 UTC on 3975 kHz


22:00 - 0000 UTC on 3975 kHz

(Radio people are expected to be able to work in GMT. BST = + 1 Hour, CET = + 2 Hours)


Friday 5th April 2024

This weeks show is linked below. Today after hearing the Robb Eden interview last weekend on the Johnnie Lewis show on Caroline, I thought we should play some airchecks from 1973 of Robb on Radio Northsea International, This was the station that introduced me to pirate radio as a young 10 year old in 1973. Robb was one of the first set of presenters I knew by name back then, along with Mike Ross, Brian McKenzie, Don Allen etc.I was fascinated by this station coming from a ship off the Dutch coast, and even more fascinated by the fact I could get better reception on Short Wave on my beloved old wireless.

Also featured this week are a few recordings from a station mentioned a couple of weeks back, called the Voice of Love, and airchecks of Atlantic 252. Initially trying to find a recording of the late Andrew Turner. (But failing)

May I take this opportunity to thank our friendly outputs once again, and may I wish everyone good reception and good dx.


WMR SHOW - Recorded 5th April 2024



Friday 29th March 2024

This weeks show is linked below. This show can hardly be anything else but a commemoration of Radio Caroline's 60th birthday. Absolutely amazing that they managed to continue, and come back on air time and time again over the years.

Listen this week for some airchecks of Easter 1979, rather than 1964 that everyone else will be doing this weekend. I tried to find some recordings of Easter 1985 as well which was a bit of an epic broadcast by Johnnie Lewis, but time was ticking on, and the first airing is normally on a Friday night at 2100 UTC. So the 1985 files will have to wait for another week...

Wishing all our regular listeners and engineering staff a very Happy Easter....

WMR SHOW - Recorded 29th March 2024


Friday 22nd March 2024

This weeks show is linked below. Features this week amongst the usual radio chatter include tributes to Steve Harley, Remembering the Mi Amigo sinking in March 1980, and a recording of the BBC national service when industrial action put all services off air, back in 1978. There was also a recording of Radio Impact from MW in 1972 with Don Les, fore runner to the Radio Impact that shared the 7340 network with WMR.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 22nd March 2024


Saturday 16th March 2024

There is a new show recorded for St Patrick's day weekend for Radio Daniella 1206kHz. Link below.

Radio Daniella St Patrick's Day weekend 2024


Friday 15th March 2024

This weeks show is linked below.

Thank you to our friendly relays last weekend for taking the show as ever, last weekend. But one curiosity came to light.

The large signal that appears on 6920 sometimes was on the air from 0400 / 0611, with a very watery and fadey signal here at this QTH. However, after sign off at 0611, a massive signal came on the air at 0614, and stayed on air till 0700 sign off. This was such a collosal signal. So was this using the same transmitter??? Different antenna??? Or even different site?? Who knows. It certainly makes this QRG so very curious.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 15th March 2024


Friday 8th March 2024

This weeks show is linked below. A bit of a late upload and time was not on side when recording so no recordings of other stations this week.

Plenty radio chatter between tracks though as always...

WMR SHOW - Recorded 8th March 2024



Friday 1st March 2024

This weeks show is linked below. Featured in this weeks show is a recording from 1978 from the Radio Budapest Hungary dx show. We did have an idea to include an old Radio Impact recording from 1972, but time ran out. Also the waterfall art went astray, although since found, wasn't featured in the show this week, though we did have a CW id for a change..

Oh and by the way, we have caught up with our QSLs over last weekend. There are still a few of our very regular guys that send reports almost weekly to acknowledge. Gregg, Otto, Andy, etc all the support is so very much appreciated. And thanks Wally for the e mail which I never saw until this weeks show was "in the can" so to speak.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 1st March 2024


Friday 23rd February 2024

This weeks show is linked below. Today's show features Radio Condor Int from Dublin, and Radio North Staffs, two old SW pirates. There are also some airchecks of CSJ on The Voice of Peace, though there are not many IDs. The show is a bit kinda "That was, this is" .

Todays show may have been a little disjointed in the making, but may be OK when played back.

Thanks to our friendly relay stations for last weeks fantastic weekend of broadcasting. 6290 was on air all day Saturday and Sunday. Our German sched wa also in operation, and the mysterious powerful relay on 6920 was back on air, this time from 0400/0600UTC, a very favourable time for signals across the water in North America.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 23rd February 2024


Friday 16th February 2024

This weeks show is linked below. Today's show features recordings of Radio Sweden dx show from 1978, Radio Denmark in English poss from 1995, Radio Camelion 1512 from Holland on 1512 last week, Radio Daniella last Sunday on 1206kHz, and a recording of Radio North having a prayer said for them.

Thank you to all the relays last weekend, making a superb weekend of broadcasting yet again. So so much appreciated guys. Our 6920 guy was on again on Sunday night around 2300, and a hutch load of great reports came in from across the water. Also our 6290 service produced a report from New Zealand last Saturday. Amazing...

There may be more input here over the weekend, but for tonight, here is the show.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 16th February 2024


Friday 9th February 2024

This weeks show is linked below.

What a great weekend of broadcasting last weekend, from our 6290 primary service, to Shortwave Gold, to the MW relay on Saturday early evening, 1619 approx to 1819. The show was followed by a relay of Radio Argus, via Blackbeard, on 1494kHz. Thanks for this everyone. So so much appreciated.

There was no sign of our 6920 guy last weekend.

There may be more chatter over the weekend, but for now, here is the link to the show.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 9th February 2024


Friday 2nd February 2024

Update today with this weeks show linked below....

Last weekend was quite a weekend of broadcasting.

As well as our German first play on Friday night 2100, there was another unknown transmission by an unid operator on 1494, reported in the English Midlands as a good signal. Sadly I missed this one myself.....,

On Saturday, we were on the usual times from SW Gold in Germany, (1600 and 2100 on 3975), and 0900/1900 via the facilities of KISS AM in Ireland on 6300.

On Sunday our initial relay guy, who managed to encourage Jack out of retirement in May last year, was back on 6290 again roughly 0900/1900... The usual sched from SW Gold on a Sunday is 1100 on 6160 and 1600 on 3975..

But later on in the evening on Sunday reports began to roll in and logs on the forums, that WMR was on again on 6920 2230/0030. We have to assume this was the 6950 guy from last summer that had such a superb signal.. Good to have you back, and one report received from Ma in the USA was 44444....!!!! THat was upgraded to 54444 on the second email. Never heard that myself due to having retired for the night to the couch!!!

More good news is that we are completely up to date with our QSLs. Something we don't do is study all the forum entries and blogs and logs, and send out QSLs to the email addresses listed. Anyone who requires a QSL, simply send the details of your reception to the email address and we can sort it out from there.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 2nd February 2024


Saturday 27th January 2024

Update this morning, WMR on air via KISS AM on 6300 since 0900.... and a typo corrected...


Friday 26th January 2024

A new show for this weekend is linked below.

Let's hope everyone survived the storms this past week. It has been a wet and wild place over the last little while.

This week the show features a recording of Radio Woodstock from 1980, another Scottish pirate radio station. Thanks again to KISS AM in Ireland for the airtime last weekend, much appreciated. Not sure yet what is happening on 48m this weekend. But anyway, show linked below.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 26th January 2024


Friday 19th January 2024

A new show linked below for this weekend, with a few recorded features. K-Oss FM from Paisley, Workers radio 78 (Radio Corsair), Radio Prague, and a recording of Doctor Don on Radio Dublin with a lot of mentions of SW. Lets hope for good reception all round. Many thanks in advance for the airtime everyone.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 19th January 2024


Friday 12th January 2024

A new show linked below for the weekend of 12/13/14th January 2024... Maybe not many clips this week, but a few airchecks are included this week of station KUSW Salt Lake City from SW in 1990. Also a very short clip of a station that appeared on satellite in the 1990's of KLON Jazz Radio LA. Lets hope for some good dx and good reception this weekend....

Most of the QSLs have been replied to as well this past week......

WMR SHOW - Recorded 12th January 2024


Friday 5th January 2024

A very happy New Year to all our listeners, and best wishes for 2024.

This week's show is linked below. Perhaps more chatter over the weekend, but for now the link..

WMR SHOW - Recorded 5th January 2024


Saturday 30th December 2023

Update Saturday lunchtime, 1300UTC.

Great signals via KISS AM today on 6230, on air since around 0900 until around 1300 today, Sat. Many thanks for this airtime. And a superb armchair copy here.

Featured in the show was various bits of music, including Alex Harvey Band, and some Dutch bands playing English, eg Kayak, Pussycat, Golden Earing. We also played some Scottish folk music seeing as it is New Year. We seemed to over run with the music as the airchecks of KISS FM Monaghan closedown in 1988 had to be cut short, so as the show fits into the 2 hour time slot on Shortwave Gold. Apologies for that. Such was the amazing closedown, with Tom Hardy thumping the desk, and so on, we may do that again in full next week, maybe along with some of the other closedowns. Anyone who feels nostalgic for KISS programme that can relive that on the dxarchive, the full day is there.. Also the voice of the lovely Susan Charles and Dennis Murray, and Miles Johnstone and others were heard.... Nick Richards was also somewhere around. (Naming the offshore presenters) Memories of 35 years ago this week.

We had another play from 15/1700 on 6300 via KISS AM, which was followed by KISS FM Monaghan recordings of 35 years ago tonight.... Are we going up to 6pm again, 35 years on. We will see in 45m from now.

Friday 29th December 2023

The show for this weekend is linked below. Frequencies for this week include 6160 and 3975.

I would like to also thank our friends at KISS AM in Ireland for the airtime on 6300 over the last two weeks.

Due to being very busy over the Christas period, the pipe dream of live shows on boxing day came to nothing. Maybe next time. But thanks also to our friends at that transmitter who were prepared to host the live. .

We have also started to reply to the little backlog of QSL requests this week. Do bear with us.,

WMR SHOW - Recorded 29th December 2023


Friday 22nd December 2023

The show for this weekend is linked below as usual.

Due to extra workload this week, both working late and working to get the house squared up for visitors this Christmas, Friday night's first play from Shortwave Gold on 3975 was limited to the first hour, repeated twice. The full two hours is now recorded and uploaded here.

It has been a long work week my dear friends of SW, and yet another week has gone by with no QSLs sent out. Please be aware that the reports / QSLs will all be sent out ASAP, and please accept my apology for the delays.,

Last weekend, a signal appeared on Sunday afternoon for a few plays on our usual 6300kHz channel. This was done by a friend of WMR, and for the efforts, we offer our many thanks. It really was appreciated, and was most unexpected.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 22nd December 2023


Friday 15th December 2023

The show for this week is linked below.

Last week was the last broadcast from our primary service on 6300 until towards the end of January, so shows are aired for now only on 6160 and/or 3975 via Shortwavegold in Germany. Many thanks lads for your continued support.

There were reports this last week of WMR being relayed on MW 1494 and after checking a recording, sure, we hear a signal this past Tuesday night on 1494kHz, suspect relay from Blackbeard?? I am unsure if this is a regular thing or a one off. No one has contacted us here at WMR to let us know, but a rather enthusiastic report came in for the signal, much to my surprise. Further correspondence welcome.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 15th December 2023



Saturday 9th December 2023

The show for this week is linked below and has a short recording of SAQ, who are on the air on Christmas eve on 17.2 kHz. Also some retune announcements from Clyde, Forth and Downtown, and a couple of songs from the Mi Amigo at Christmas 1979.

Apologies for forgetting to upload this file last night. I fell asleep!!!

WMR SHOW - Recorded 8th December 2023



Friday 1st December 2023

The show for this week is linked below. A day early this week due to a very busy, and over stretched weekend coming up here at the QTH. This week we have a poor as it turned out, recording of Deckie on RTE2 in an evening in June 1980, Radio Sweden clip, some Radio Zodiac airchecks from 1978, and a Community Radio Youghal ID from the same tape the Zodiac recordings were on. There are also a few recordings of the waterfall art.

We also have a sample of the QSL PDF for winter 2023

Sample QSL winter 2023, 20 page pdf

WMR SHOW - Recorded 30th November 2023


Friday 24th November 2023

The show for this week is linked below, and includes some waterfall art, aired every half hour approx, as an experiment. So if you have an SDR Play, or an Elad, or Perseus SDR, or even if you listen on line, widen the waterfall display and see if you can see anything. It is kind of experimental. The American station pictured at Halloween with the witches etc, seemed to have some kind of a sub carrier, so the art was being aired separately..... This is for pure AM.... This was how it looked on AM on Sunday, using an SDRPLAY receiver and basic 40m dipole.

Also featuring in todays show is popular 70s sw pirate, European Music Radio. This was a recording from the original EMR C180, which has never been aired on the web or anything......

Thank you to our hard working relay facilities for their continued support for WMR. A move was made last week from 6295 to 6300, during Sunday, because of some QRM. Signals were absolutely perfect, like MW, until at whatever time it was, it was like someone switching off a light. Amazing...

WMR SHOW - Recorded 24th November 2023



Friday 17th November 2023

The show for this week is mainly music, with a feature in the middle on Radio Impact, a very professional SW pirate station from 1979 / 80. During the show I mentioned hearing some Irish folk music on 1323. It turned out to be an Irish music show on the IRRS, Italy. Also apologies for no Dave Anderson show as promised. Although we had a bit of a get together at the WMR studio last weekend, there was no time for programming, due to touring around old haunts in Scotland on the Sunday.... Maybe next time..

Hopefully you will have good reception this weekend.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 17th November 2023


Friday 10th November 2023

The show for this weekend features the Radio North DX test on 846kHz in 2009, Radio GSV Voice overs, and a clip of Mike Jame from early in 1980 with a recording made for 270m MW to Glasgow. Whether this was a practise to get used to the mixer, or whether someone was going to come up with a mw site and transmitter at some point is anybody's guess... This weeks show is linked below. Apologies for the wrong date being published on the web site last week. Not noticed till this week. It was the right show that was linked though.....

WMR SHOW - Recorded 10th November 2023

Last weekend we had superb signals in both Saturday evening and Sunday evening, and within 5 minutes there was a complete fade out. We had been hit with Auroral conditions and even a rarely seen STEVE was reported. A cousin of normal Aurora. Nice for astronomical observations, bad for radio propagation!!

QSL PDFs - Currently we have visitors at WMR and anyway there are a few more images to add to the e qsl, so please bear with us a few days longer, while a larger pdf is made up. We should get the mail replied to this coming week. It has backed up again for a few weeks..



Friday 3rd November 2023

The show for this weekend is linked below. It is dedicated to the memory of Paul Bentley, a true friend of Free Radio, Broadcaster, and presenter. He was also known to the TOP BAND NET on 1933 and 1920, and was a regular there in the evenings over the years. I have not spoken to Paul face to face since probably 1992!!!! Although I have of course spoken to him many times on the phone, Skype, and radio waves.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 3rd November 2023





Due to the wintertime conditions there has been a rehash of the frequency sched for Shortwave Radio in Germany. 6160 leaves the airwaves early now due to QRM from high power stations. As a result, the WMR programmes have been rescheduled.....

WMR is now running as following:

Friday: 21:00 to 23:00 UTC on 3975

Saturday: 16:00 to 18:00 UTC and 21:00 to 23:00 UTC on 3975

Sunday: 12:00 to 14:00 UTC on 6160 and 16:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC on 3975

As always, many thanks for the airtime fellows. So much appreciated.







There was some interesting stations heard at halloween, 31st October to 1st November. Not least, XFM on 6850. Not only did they have a powerhouse signal on their 6850 frequency, but they had some kind of a sub carrier with a load of very cool graphics that show up on the waterfall display!! A sample is shown below, and also links to view a few others. This page is cluttered enough without adding another 6 or so images to it.......

XFM Via Mix Radio 6850 around 0050 1st November 2023

XFM Via Mix Radio 6850 around 0232 inc sign off 1st November 2023















Saturday 28th October 2023

The show for this weekend has been altered slightly at the start during the bagpipes, to include an announcement about the death of our good friend Paul from Radio North, EI7JM, Paul used to be heard almost nightly on the top band nets on 1933 or 1920......

The updated show is using the same link as below from Friday....

Also remember this weekend may see some extra North American activity, as it is almost halloween. Check 6.8 / 6.9 region of the band....


Friday 27th October 2023

The show for this weekend 27th October is linked below.

Many thanks to all concerned with the airtime.

This weeks show includes a feature on poor old Mike James who died a year ago mid week next week. We will prob have another few airchecks of Mike next weekend.

There may be a technical issue at 6160 this weekend, but 3975 is on......

There will also be a slight update to the show tomorrow with a late item of news that came to us just as the show was being uploaded to Germany. I will still keep the show 2 hours, but the item of news will go in the middle of an instrumental at the end. The sad news is that Paul Bentley / Burbank of Radio North has died. Paul made up one of the jingle / liner packages for WMR, and used to be heard on Radio Fax. He also used to be on / ran WABC from County Donegal.... Paul was often heard on the ham bands of an evening.... EI7JM on the 1933 net on top band. He had been ill for some time.

Finally thanks to the operator of 6280 for a few hours of airtime last weekend. Also around 7705 on Sunday. THat was an old friend testing some equipment out...... 6280 was 150 watts, and possibly an ex WMR TX???


WMR SHOW - Recorded 27th October 2023



Saturday 21st October 2023

The show for this weekend 21st October is linked below.

Once again many thanks to all concerned with the airtime.

Apologies for being a day late in this upload. We had a stressful Friday evening working against the clock due to losing about 40m of programme. This was due to a windows reboot for no real reason on the recording PC, and luckily I had saved the show at 1 hour and 8 mins, This was after another recovery from a crash, which luckily that part of the file was recovered. So guess who needs to make sure theres a different and reliable PC connected up for next weekend!!! I hope with losing the programming, I have not managed to play the same tune twice or anything. There was no time to listen thru to make sure it was ok!!! But after all was done, we had enough time to upload the file for the first airing via Germany 6160.

This weeks show includes some clips of some strong MW stations coming through from ASIA, as well as current recordings from Skull n Bones Radio System, and Johnny Tobacco last week. And some chatter and music as usual. One report compared the chatter to a religious station!!!


WMR SHOW - Recorded Friday 20th October 2023



Friday 13th October 2023

The show for this weekend, 13th October is linked below.

Many thanks to all concerned with the airtime.

This weeks show includes quite a number of features this week. Clips of Radio Sunshine, sw piratefrom 1978, Radio Carousel, Dundalk, and Time Radio from sw 1974.


WMR SHOW - Recorded 13th October 2023


Friday 6th October 2023

The show for this weekend, 6th October is linked below.

Many thanks to all concerned with the airtime. Apologies for being a little brief on the web site this last little while. But we have plenty to say on the actual shows!!!!

This weeks show includes quite a number of features this week. Clips of Radio Mercury with Steve York and Marc Bolland. Radio Seagull with Tony Allan from 1973. Radio RSA 25790 in 1979, Radio Moscow comments on Korean Aircraft shooting down in 1986, Radio Northsea with James Harding (LBP)


WMR SHOW - Recorded 6th October 2023


Friday 29th September 2023

The show for this weekend at the end of September / beginning of October is linked below.

Many thanks to all concerned with the airtime. So much appreciated guys.


WMR SHOW - Recorded 29th September 2023


Friday 22nd September 2023

The show for this weekend has a few radio recordings, as well as music and radio related chatter. Some of the features include a few clips of International Broadcasters, as well as a clip of Mike Johns on Radio Woodstock back in September 1980.

NB: Excuse the blooper when talking about Chris Rainbow. The show was recorded and uploaded before I noticed the deliberate error. Chris obviously did "Gime me what I cry for". Not sure where the concentration was during that link lol...!!!

Although not yet sent out, the e-QSL has been updated and pages added. A sample is posted below. There should be time over the weekend to get the mail caught up with again.

Best regards and good DX

WMR SHOW - Recorded 22nd September 2023



Thursday 14th September 2023

The show for this weekend is a day early this time as I have a wedding tomorrow, Friday. So it is going to be a busy few days. Of course I have packed a portable radio just to monitor SW. 6290 is not expected on air this weekend....

Finally, I have updated the e-QSL as the info section was written in June. But there are also some other photos stuck in. It is around 16 pages now.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 14th September 2023



Saturday 9th September 2023

The show for this weekend is a day late in being uploaded due to other commitments last night. Apologies. The file was sent as usual to Shortwave Gold however for Friday night and the first play. Thank you fellas.....

Now I have to announce that an anon mail arrived yesterday also, stating that 6290 will be off air for a couple of weeks. So nothing to worry about if there is nothing appears on 6290 for a few weeks. Thank you so much for letting us know. I never picked up the mail till after the show was recorded for this weekend so 6290 is still announced....

Just allow me a moment to respectfully thank everyone involved in airing WMR since APRIL / MAY and giving us a chance to return to the airwaves. It has been such a great summer of broadcasting.. And getting back into the habit of doing shows again.

A few weeks worth of E=QSLs are backed up again, to respond to. Again, don't worry, the replies will be dealt with soonest. Some updates are also foreseen on the 12 page e QSL, and especially an update on the information sheet page. Thank you for your patience in that respect.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 8th September 2023


Friday 1st September 2023

The show for today features a mystery station called Radio Sunshine from Glasgow from 1983, and ERI with WMR station founder, Stewart Scott. Both recordings have some audio limitations. But compared to some of the stuff we have played as features

Thanks to all concerned for a superb weekend of broadcasting last weekend. Lets hope for another of the same this early September 2023...

WMR SHOW - Recorded 1st September 2023


Friday 25th August 2023

The show today has a Scottish rock theme, and a few airchecks from Lee Alvin at ABC Europe from 1975. Also Phil Dixon on South Dublin Radio in 1982....

WMR SHOW - Recorded 25th August 2023


Friday 18th August 2023

The show today plays a few airchecks of John Dawson on WMR from 1981, as well as commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Ross Revenge sailing proudly into the knock deep and beginning the 80s phase of Caroline.

The first airing of the show this weekend went out Friday night an hour earlier on the SHORTWAVE GOLD frequencies of 6160 and 3975.. 2000/2200 UTC

WMR SHOW - Recorded 18th August 2023


Friday 11th August 2023

The second weekend in August, mid August already. Lets hope this upload is in plenty time....... Best wishes to all...

WMR SHOW - Recorded 11th August 2023


Friday 4th August 2023

The first weekend in August, and a little later than normal uploading. We expect our German friends this week to air the show Friday and Saturday 2100 to 2300 UTC, same both nights. Good idea chaps.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 4th August 2023


Saturday 29th July 2023

The problem with the cache on the server sorted itself out last night thankfully and the non corrupt version of the WMR show uploaded fine. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Tonight on the MW band, there is an up and coming show from "Jack" for Radio Daniella from Dublin, This should be aired from 2100-2300 UTC on probably 1197kHz tonight. The freq of 1233 has had some QRM on there and 1206 is earmarked for the Radio London broadcast from Essex, till August 14th.

The Radio Daniella show is linked below.

Radio Daniella, Dublin 29th July 2023


Friday 28th July 2023

July 28th and we ask ourselves where the month has gone. The summer seems to drift away so very quickly.

Below is a link to a slightly disjointed show today, featuring more interval signals, and some clips of QSOs on the Echo Charlie band. Many of the calls heard are from another era and are long long gone from the world of SW. I wonder if any of them still listen to SW radio?


WMR SHOW - Recorded 28th July 2023



Friday 21st July 2023

July seems to have come and almost gone here pretty quickly. But again thank you to our friendly relays for your invaluable assistance you have given to WMR. The show for this week includes some musical gems, as well as features from ABC Europe with Danny Thomas, and James Harding from 1978. There is also a report from 1979 from Glen Hauser, and some old SW International broadcasters interval signals.

There are quite a number of outstanding E QSL requests from the last few weeks, which I thought would have been replied to by now, but things can be hectic here at WMR. Weather forecast for the whole weekend this week is pretty obsene, and it seems like a good time to send out the e QSLs. Thank you all for your patience.


WMR SHOW - Recorded 21st July 2023


Friday 14th July 2023

Mid July already and another WMR show is here for this coming weekend. Today's show features some classic tracks, mixed with radio and music chatter. We also play a clip of AWR DX show which used to be on the air on a Sunday morning on 9670kHz via Sines, Portugal. There is a memory from Skyport Radio as well. Some bits and pieces to upload here on the web site, as time permits, but first of all, the show for mid July is linked below.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 14th July 2023


Friday 7th July 2023

Well another week come and gone and another show recorded for this weekend hopefully.

Thank you to our friendly relay stations for the invaluable help again this coming weekend, well done chaps.

WMR SHOW - Recorded 7th July 2023


Sunday 2nd July 2023

The primary service on 6290 was on around 1000 GMT today, and signals are very armchair most of the time.

We keep hearing from old friends, and another one came in from Holland from Otto who wa there for our first transmissions and even visited the studio back in the 1980's I guess?? Or very early 90's.


Saturday 1st July 2023

Our so called primary service on 6290 was on the air by 1130 GMT, till sign off at 2135 not long after the Dutch station that came on top of us signed off.

Our German friends, dare I say as usual, had WMR on via 6160 and 3975 from 21/2300, an hour later than the Friday night broadcast.

And finally for the broadcasting logs, the 2230/0030 transmission took place this Saturday night on 6955, instead of 6950. A tune around the KIWI SDR receivers between 2230 and 2300 brought in listenable signals in Brazilia, mid Russia, Northern Iceland, Northern Sweden, Kuwait, and weak signals in Bangladesh area, Thailand, and Southern Australia..!! Last weekend a very listenable signal was being heard in Bonaire, as well as being heard in Trinidad. The primary service was already off air by this time to compare, but laser was nowhere near that strength in I think it was the Northern Swedish SDR,


Friday 30th June 2023

So here we are at the end of June and going into early July already. Where does the time go. I have uploaded a show hopefully for this weekend again. I have a load of other logs and comments to make for the last couple of weeks, but below is a link to the show. Thank you very much to our friends a the relay stations for the amazing weekend of short wave broadcasting last weekend.....

Tonight courtesy of our German friends at Shortwave Gold, WMR was heard from 2000/2200 GMT on 6160 and 3975kHz....

WMR SHOW - Recorded 30th June 2023


Sunday 25th June 2023

A few notes for this past weekend's broadcasting.


6160 - Shortwave Gold, Germany.. 6160 and 3975.

Friday 2000 - 2200 GMT,

Saturday 2100 - 2300 GMT.


6950 - Powerhouse relay on a Saturday night. 2230 - 0030 GMT


6290 - Primary service

Friday night 1940 - 2140 GMT

Saturday on air by 1215 GMT

Sunday on air about 1010 GMT


Friday 23rd June 2023

Some further notes still to be updated on last weekends entries, but anyway, here is the mid summer show from WMR recorded on Friday 23rd June 2023. As always, thank you so much to our friendly relay stations in advance. More later, but here is the show to begin with.

Some time will be taken over this weekend for replying to station mail, of which there is quite a lot!!

WMR SHOW - Recorded 23rd June 2023


Sunday 18th June 2023

The 6290 primary service was early on the air today about 0740 GMT until about 1940......


Saturday 17th June 2023

Well again Saturday became the big day for our signals to be aired via the primary 6295 transmitter. Signals were good at HQ here, but later as evening came in, signals were just fantastic till sign off around 2200 UTC.. There was a freq change maybe around 1900 to 6290 to avoid a bit of QRM from 6297. We noted Laser also moved from 6205 to 6240 to avoid qrm on 6209.

Shortwave Gold on 6160 and 3975 relayed WMR 2100 - 2300 GMT. Again great signals from both frequencies.

6950 - What can I say about this unid signal that appeared again at 2230 - 0030 GMT. I took some time to have a listen around the world on the KIWI SDR network. I was surprised by listenable signals in far flung places like Bonaire, Kuwait, Brasilia. Poor but readable in Cyprus, Bangladesh area, and as darkness fell on the East Coast of North America, signals were good in Florida, NH, MA, etc. Signals were booming in on SDRs in UK, Norway, and poland, as well as an area many miles south of Moscow. Mighty impressed.

Depending how long 6290 is on for on Sunday we might give the SDRs a try, though often the sign off is a bit earlier.... before the darkness path comes in properly..


Friday 16th June 2023

Almost mid summers day already and here is another show ready for the airwaves of Europe. Today the two hour show features Radio West from Mullingar, Ireland in 1987, and Ecos Del Torbes from Venezuela which used to boom in on 4900. There is also a poor recording of The Happy Station with Tom Mayers. As usual, there are some musical gems intersperced with radio chatter... Best of dx during this extended heatwave here in Scotland.

Thank you to our German friends at Shortwave Gold for the first airing on Friday night. As stated on air, signals at night time in mid summer on SW are superb. 2000 - 2200 GMT

WMR SHOW - Recorded 16th June 2023


Sunday 11th June 2023

Our 6295 frequency affectionately known as the primary service was on the air by 0800 GMT today on 6294.6/7 again. Sign off this Sunday was around 1945 GMT. Geez, we have had an amazing amount of broadcast hours in the last few weeks...!! I am humbly in debted to all the relay stations.

By the way, it would be helpful if you want a full data QSL from WMR, to include full data in your email to WMR. Rather than just using the date the email was sent or the time the email was sent as a guide. During the current heatwave, I have been using a spare PC out in the garden to reply to mail, while enjoying the sun, and have simply copied and pasted a text file from the emails. The web PC with the email has not been the machine used to create the pdf reply during this unusual great spell of weather. Thanks.


Saturay 10th June 2023

The so called primary service of WMR came on the air around 1400 GMT today, Saturday with the current show. Well done you guys. Signal was up to the usual high standards and booming in at WMR HQ by sign off at 2200 GMT. There was a pause in the transmission at 1800 GMT, When it came back on air, frequency had been adjusted to 6295 bang on. (From 6294.6 / 7).

Our friends at Shortwave Gold aired the show at 2100 - 2300 GMT, on 6160 and 3975. Thanks again you fellows.

And finally for Saturday, as in the previous weeks, the unid transmission came on 6950kHz with the same solid signal as before. A report has come in from MA, USA from an old listener from the past, but SINPO was 45444..!!! So 6950 is really hammering out as well.....


Friday 9th June 2023

New show now uploaded for the weekend of 9th, 10th, 11th June 2023.

Thanks to our German friends on 6160, the first play this weekend was on Friday night 2000 - 2200 GMT. As ever, much appreciated chaps.

I have also updated the listen again page with the new shows, rather than scrolling through endless text to find them.

WMR SHOW - 9th - 11th June 2023


Thursday 8th June 2023

As if to commemorate our 43rd anniversary, the mystery transmitter is on the air tonight on the usual 6295 frequency. It has probably been on air from at least 1515 GMT. Signal is booming as usual, and is very much appreciated by us here at WMR. It went off about 1920GMT.

QSLs are being replied to this evening, with the new design e-qsl pdf, see sample below. There should be a multiple emailing either tonight or in the morning. Your patience has been appreciated.


Wednesday 7th June 2023

After a bit of head scratching about some simple basic operational stuff that I haven't done in years, and since forgotten, the final PDF QSL is now being used to reply to WMR mail. I have uploaded a sample here to show what is being used this year.



Saturday 3rd JUNE 2023

As mentioned yesterday, such has been the volume of transmissions during May, a detailed log of known transmissions should be kept, and noted what was on where. Even after a month on air, I had to look through logs and the web etc to try and piece this all together. I think most of the logs below are accurate.

Please be advised that Scotland is right in the middle of some kind of a well deserved heat wave, so the new design QSLs have been a little slow to come forth. The weather is too good to sweat it out over a hot computer. But we are getting to them, and hope the pdf will be worth the wait. Apologies again.

There is certainly something very special about summer nights and short wave props on 6mHz is superb, and giving armchair listening quality.



Below are known dates and times noted of the relays of WMR over the various transmitters relaying the new shows since mid May 2023.

Saturday / Sunday 29th / 30th April 2023:

6284kHz on air much of the day and evening with old shows.


Saturday / Sunday 6th / 7th May 2023:

6295kHz. Or rather around 6294.7kHz. On air much of the day and evening. Booming signal with old programmes.


Saturday / Sunday 13th / 14th May 2023:

6295kHz. On air most of the day and evening though there was some static in the air due to lightning.

6305kHz was used for the last bit on Sunday night, 14th, noted signing off around 2030.

New 1 hour test show recorded 14th May wasn't aired this weekend..

6925 Heard on the 14th May on the Eastern States of North America middle of the day (in Europe), around 1450 - 1600 UTC via a US pirate called TRI.... This was an airing of the new show.


Friday / Saturday / Sunday 19th / 20th / 21st May 2023:

6295kHz. Noted on Friday night with the first airing of the new test show which was recorded on 14th May. Also heard during Saturday and Sunday with the new 2023 programme only. No old shows..

6160 / 3975kHz - A nice surprise Friday night around 1800 - 1900 was a relay via the transmitters of SW Gold in Germany on 3975 and 6160kHz, of the first test programme.

6950kHz on 20th May 2023 heard in the USA, audible from about 21:50 to 23:50. Initially this was thought to be the same operator as the 6295 signal, perhaps even moving freq, but on 27th May both transmitters were on the air and not in parallel. The logs suggest the 6295 channel closed around 2200UTC. 6950 was on with the 1 hour test programme for a couple of plays.


Friday / Saturday / Sunday 26th / 27th / 28th May 2023:

6295kHz was on the air Friday night, Saturday and Sunday

6950kHz - Saturday night, 27th May, 6950 was on the air again from around 2150 - 2350 GMT, with a signal that was being heard across the Atlantic in the States, as well as Columbia. It was also heard at 40 over s9 in Poland!! The signal at the WMR HQ was also really very very strong. Power and location unknown, but thanks very much to the unid station for the very powerful relay.

6160 / 3975kHz aired a relay of the previous weeks show on Friday night, 26th May, and again with an airing of the new show on Sunday night 28th May from 2000 - 2200 GMT. In fact this almost synced up with 6295, whether by chance or maybe the unid relay station read about that coming on air?? Great signals from both stations..


Saturday / Sunday 3rd /4th / June 2023:

6295kHz on air by about 1400 GMT Saturday. Sign off 2258 GMT. (Continous looping of current show recorded Friday 2nd June)
On air Sunday by 0930ish... Sunday's broadcast was on by 0915ish, and was on the air all day with the current show until 2110GMT. As usual, signals were superb in the evening time especially.

6160 / 3975 from Shortwave Gold / Shortwave Radio in Germany. Saturday around 1600 - 1800 ,and again 2000 - 2200. On Sunday night from 2000 - 2200 the 6160 transmitter carried the show from last week, while the 3975 transmitter carried the current show!!! Phew. All these airings..!!! All times GMT / UTC/Z (Multiple one off plays of shows)

6950Khz was on the air again this Saturday, 2230 - 0030 approx. Booming signal again.... and being again reported across the Atlantic. (One off play of shows)

Thank you again to the various relay operators, who's efforts are so much appreciated. In fact I feel very humbled at the efforts you guys have went to for the cause of WMR. I hope we can continue this kind of unusual broadcasting. Very unusual..!!



Thursday June 8th 2023

6295 on the air from around 1515 GMT?? Great signal at tune in here around 1700 UTC/ GMT. Great signal to listen to while writing out the QSL pdf's. It went off around 1920GMT.

Friday / Saturday / Sunday 9th / 10th / 11th June 2023:

Friday night - 6160 / 3975 on the air from our friends in Germany at Shortwave Radio, 2000 - 2200 GMT. Todays new programme aired. Great signals again.

Saturday around 1400, 6295 noted with this weekend's show, signing of at 2200 GMT. A nice touch at 1800 when a pause in the transmission took place, and the signal came back on 6295, rather than 6294.7ish. Cool.

Shortwave Gold also took the show again from 2100 - 2300 GMT. Both 6160 and 3975 kHz well in parallel.

The other unid relay station came on the air again at 2230 - 0030 GMT and again signals were going out all over the place. SINPO 45444 in Ma in the States can hardly be classed as bad.

Sunday and the primary service of 6295 was on the air by 0800 GMT, and off around 1945 GMT.

Remember we try and stick to GMT / UTC time. An hour behind the UK in summer time.




Friday 2nd JUNE 2023

And once again WMR had a very successful few days of transmissions last weekend, thanks to our relay friends. This was really appreciated guys. I shall list the frequencies and times known shortly, but first off here is a new show hopefully for this weekend, the first weekend in June 2023. WMR is commemorating 43 years on the air during this broadcast.....

WMR SHOW - 2nd - 4th June 2023


26th MAY 2023

Again WMR had a great weekend of broadcasting last weekend via the unidentified relay station. The broadcast was well heard Saturday and Sunday, and the new 2 hour show that was uploaded on Sunday was noticed and also broadcast. The freq of 6295 was used although later on Saturday night a transmitter did appear on 6950kHz. Can this be assumed to have been the same operator?? The new show was also aired again on Friday 26th. Many thanks for this relay whoever you are and it really is very much appreciated.

Also on Friday 2000 - 2200 the Shortwave Gold relay again took place on 6160 and // 3975kHz... Again, this airtime is very much appreciated.

The only thing with this set up is that I have no idea what type of compression / proccessing is done with the audio, and am unsure if the audio should have some eq on the music, or be fully compressed and proccessed. In the past it was always better that recorded shows were recorded flat and raw, with processing done at the playout system at the transmitter. Is the mic really better with slight echo or none?? We have tried to have that slight 60s sounding slight reverb for years, and thought it sounded not too bad.

There have been a fairly large number of emails coming in over the last few weeks and for this we are also greatful and many thanks for your interest. We have a new E QSL to arrange / design, so please be patient just a little while longer, and you will all have your e-QSL. These come in the form of a pdf with a few extra pages of scans of past QSLs and stickers, and even an artists impression of the transmitter from 1992. There will also be of course the much desired QSL part. So a new design is required and being prepared.

Below is a link to a new 2 hour show, a little rushed and stressed with other stuff during the recording, but it should sound reasonable. A bit out of practice you understand....!!

Jack... May 26th 2023


WMR SHOW - 26-28th MAY 2023


21st MAY 2023

Another weekend of some superb signals from the fake WMR, but on Friday night he was airing the new show uploaded last weekend to this web site. So that makes the mystery operator a friend of WMR I would say. So below is a new 2 hour show recorded on 21st May. Time ran out on Saturday for recording as part of the studio equipment had been used for a disco on Friday night, and the venue / premises was locked up until 6pm on Saturday for picking the gear up.

But another pleasant surprise was the guys at 6160 / 3975 Shortwave Gold / Shortwave Radio (new name??). The show was aired on their transmitters on Friday night. Do they want any more shows from WMR??? Who knows. I have not been in touch with either the guys at 6160, or the fake WMR, so what the future plans are I have no idea as yet...

For the first time since the fake WMR came on the air at the end of April, I have checked the email. We have had a fair amount of email reports, which will be acknowledged in due course.

Also many thanks to the operator in the States that aired the new show last weekend as well.... Good grief we are creating a bit of interest!!!!! All thanks to the fake WMR for coming on air and giving us a kick up the arse!!!

It is although the fake WMR doesn't want to do his own shows and wants to stay anon, And here am I happy to record more shows but currently no tx site. (Not looked too hard though this last little while, busy old life and all So this arrangement might just work !!

Below is a link to todays 2 hour show, music and chatter only, no features this time around. Hopefully next time there will be a mailbox section as well as maybe some old recordings featured. Audio is unproccessed, with no eq on the music, and I am assuming it is proccessed at the tx site. But seeing as there has been no contact with the operators, we can't really be sure..!!!

What a unique and odd way of operating, but it seems to be working!!!!

Jack.... 21st May..

WMR SHOW - 21st MAY 2023


14th MAY 2023

This weekend has been the 3rd weekend that the fake WMR has been on the air. It was heard Saturday and Sunday 29th and 30th April on 6284kHz, and this last two weeks on 6295 ish. Last weekend the signal really was booming out. 6295 is a great channel since Reflections Europe seem to be off air for now. Last weekend, the signal was superb armchair quality most of the late afternoon and evening.

The fake WMR has been on the air since 2000, and often popped up at this time of year.

This year we thought we would try a little experiment and see if the fake WMR wants to stick out new shows. So for a trial, there is a link below to a new show, recorded on 14th May 2023, There has never been any communcation with the operator of this transmitter, so he may not be interested. But if he is, then I would guess this would turn the fake WMR into a real WMR!!

In actual fact, the fake WMR did broadcast current shows in the past, but only after they had their first airing via the WMR transmitters. (These WMR transmitters are in quite a state of disrepair at this time, and need a bit of work done to make them work again, as did the studio recently!!) So the only difference this time is they have not been aired by WMR first.

Confused?? Not nearly as much as I will be if these shows get an airing and listeners start to want a QSL from an unknown



3rd NOVEMBER 2022

Apologies for the lack of transmissions over the last few years. It has been a particularly hectic few years. Back sometime though.

It is with great sadness I have to bring you this obituary for Mike James, who died around the 1st of the month.

Jack.... November 2022.

RIP old friend.


For some audio of Neil / Mike, scroll down the listen again page. Is it really so long since he made shows at WMR??

See our listen again page.



9th FEBRUARY 2016

WMR was back on the air again on Sunday morning 7th February with a new show, featuring the closedown in 1988 of Westside Radio, and a few tributes to the various famous rock artist's and presenters that have recently passed away.

Signal was very respectable in the target area and the band would have been described as being good to us.

The programme is as always available in the "listen again" area of this site.

NB: We were on the air last weekend, but it was the repeat of an old show, due to not having time to prepare a new one!!!



2nd JANUARY 2016

WMR has been back on the airwaves this December with a couple of new programmes. We were on the air on Sunday 20th December, Boxing Day, 26th December, and also on 31st December.

We have not done too much this year, but at least we managed some transmissions at year end. The broadcast on Hogmanay this year featured a recording of the closedown of ARD Radio from Dublin in 1979. This did drag on a little perhaps, but it was a historic recording worth a play.

We were unable to make any live transmissions this year, but who knows what we might conjure up for 2016.

The latest programmes are now available in the listen again area..

We are looking forward to some further transmissions in early 2016.

But for now we can only wish all the dxers out there a very happy New Year 2016!!



30th DECEMBER 2014

We made it!!! Yes, WMR managed on the air this past Sunday 28th December, and in fact had ran a few tests from Christmas Eve on 6395kHz. This consisted of a few of the shows from earlier in the year. This was all thanks to a last minute offer of airtime from MAGIC. Thanks to Mr Magic for this, which was much appreciated. We honestly thought we'd have to hit it on the head this festive season. The live part of the show went out from 1400 until around 1800GMT. The band had seemed a little flat earlier in the morning or we might have been on the air sooner. A 15mHz transmitter was operational until the propagation fell over on us, on 15705, giving good results in Central Europe. When a report from Southern Germany was heard for 1800GMT, it seems that we should maybe have given it another hour!! The signal on 6395 was booming.... The show is now available on our listen again page.



WMR and RADIO GSV are taking a break for now to try and find a new remote broadcast site. The last transmission for WMR was 23rd November. This was forced upon us due to web trolls that made broadcasting from the Radio GSV fixed location too risky. We had a good run though. It is just a shame that we probably will not make it on the airwaves this Christmas time as planned.

The programme on 23rd November featured a recording from Radio Woodstock from 1980, a Scottish pirate station that ran live from Falkirk for a few months, and took phone calls live on air.



WMR on the air again this morning from just after 0800 to around 1000, on 6395 again. Oldies only today. No features. The last show dated 26/10 was aired this past Wed around tea time. Both shows now on the listen again section.


26th OCTOBER 2014:

WMR is again on the air on SW, 26th October. There were no recordings made last week, due to lack of time. The show aired this weekend, Sunday 26th included recordings of WMR from 1980, and a tribute to Alvin Stardust. QSLs have again been sent out up to today. Anyone who has not received a reply from WMR should write in again asap, while mail is up to date!!!


8th OCTOBER 2014:

The last couple of weekend shows have been uploaded to the LISTEN AGAIN area of the WMR web site. The broadcast for the last weekend in September featured recordings of Westside Radio from Dublin, and good old Prince Terry. The first weekend in October featured a vintage recording of Europen Music Radio. Hopefully we shall manage to find recordings of many of the other SW pirates of the past to feature in up and coming transmissions.

We have been using 6395.7kHz in recent weeks. Let's hope this frequency stays clear for us.


29th SEPTEMBER 2014:


We have been trying the 5815 area of the band a couple of times, although we had to QSY back to the 6395 freq on 29th at 1930 as RTE use 5820. WMR used to at one time run bi weekly along with Radio Free London on 5805kHz. These broadcasts were very successful, and who knows, this quieter area of the band may well be a good spot to settle on. But options will be kept open!!!! 5815 was the frequency used by World Music Radio a few years ago, when they got a Danish broadcast Licence.



Well that was an interesting weekend of listening on the SW. WMR was again on the airwaves on Sunday morning, but was shadowed by our creepy stalker, the hoax WMR. This unhealthy obsession with WMR has gripped the fake broadcaster of these signals since the summer of 2000!!

This fake signal was being broadcast as follows (known transmissions, will keep adding dates):

Saturday 27th September 2014 - 6400 Saturday evening around 1800GMT
Sunday 28th September 2014 - 6200 Sunday morning around 1000 GMT
Sunday 28th September 2014 - 6375 Sunday evening around 1900GMT
Saturday 12th October 2014 - 6375 afternoon 1500 past 1720GMT
Saturday 18th October 2014 - 6400 afternoon
Sunday 19th October 2014 - 6375 afternoon and closed around 1815GMT.

The purpose of these broadcasts are unknown.

The operator has simply been lifting old shows from the WMR web site and rebroadcasting them. Hence the reason you don't hear the most up to date show on the hoax station.

So we have to of course refuse to offer any form of QSL for these broadcasts. They are nothing to do with WMR, and are not planned / authorised by the station.

Would the World Service QSL a report for 27185 if a silly CBer keyed the mic up at a radio speaker and relayed the World Service for an hour? I should think not.


WMR AND RADIO GSV (Good Ship Venus):

Fur the benefit of the dxers that don't seem to be able to get their heads around a very basic and simple situation with regards to the transmitter that we are using. Our sister station, Radio GSV and ourselves are running through the same transmitter, which is pictured below. Neither station could really be described as being relayed by the other. Both Radio GSV and WMR do our own style of radio, and are part of the same operation. Perhaps it can be compared to Radio Caroline and Radio Moneik from the Ross Revenge in the 80's?? In the 70's at one stage it would have been Radio Mi Amigo that was heard on the air by day, and Caroline would take to the air at night, sharing the facilities. .



The programme aired last week, from around the 20th has now been uploaded to the WMR web site. See our listen again page.
















16th SEPTEMBER 2014:

This web site for WMR has been largely ignored for a long time. In fact the last Christmas broadcast that WMR made in 2013 was not the most successful transmission ever to hit the airwaves due to band conditions. Our link broke up a few times as well, and therefore we were transmitting dead air for some of the time. So we have not even got around to uploading our live Xmas show 2013 to the web site as yet, as there is quite a bit of editing required to do so.

But if you are still listening to the SW bands you will realise that WMR is back on the airwaves again, sharing the facilities with Radio GSV, a new station from Scotland.

Our first show was on 10th August 2014.

Frequencies to check are 6397, 6850, 6952, or in the 48m band itself.

The transmitter in use is one of our old 807 rigs, which has been used in the past for many a broadcast of WMR. Although after lying around for many years a bit of rebuilding work was required. The transmitter was a former mw transmitter in Merseyside for a short lived station called KGW. We fell in with the txer in the 1980's. These days it is an EL84 oscilator, into a pair of 807's. The 807's are driven with about 750 volts, running the valves just nice.

In the photo above, the top section is the modulator, which once belonged to the transmitter that broadcast the various relays in the late 80's from Dublin on 6318, and operated by Gary St John. The middle section is a power unit built for this modulator in August 2014. The bottom section is the transmitter, which has its own built in HT section. We shall have to try and take a decent rig photo of the rf stage, and a better complete setup image as well.


The modulator was originally designed to send audio to a single 813 transmitter using a WODEN UM3 modulation transformer. This match worked very well till the transformer became duff. The rig was resurrected briefly in 1989 from Co Donegal, but modulation was always slightly on the low side, though acceptable, due to a mis matching mod transformer. Today the output of the modulator consists of 2 807's driven by 3 ECC82's. The modulation transformer came from an old Boyneside Radio transmitter in the 80's, and is still working well...!!


The power supply, built in August 2014 to drive the modulation stage properly. The 6V6 supplies negative bios. The black transformer on the left supplies 6.3 heater voltage, and a 250 - 300 volt line. The old brown transformer supplies 750 volts dc approx for the anodes of the 807's.

Initially broadcasts were made using a simple amplifier which had been used in the past to modulate little 20 watt transmitters, but it was somewhat unsuitable for the higher power we are running with this tx. It was good enough to get on the air initially though, with our old equipment that had to be rebuilt almost from scratch. This gave us a chance to root out the old components and parts needed. Despite requiring a bit of time to work on equipment, we repeatedly received unhelpful complaints about low audio etc. Yes we knew it was a bit low to begin with. We also have ear flaps on the side of our It was a temporary measure until the right match of components could be found, in the transmitter room. A photo of the said transmitter room may show what is meant by "give us a chance to find stuff".


The modulator sitting on top of it's power supply, with the first transmitter used for Radio GSV in the background. This rig was a little lower in power than the current tx, due to the voltages on the output valves being a bit lower. (Controlled by the ht transformer that was used)


The underside of the modulator. This has never been used since 1990, but we were able to get it going with relative ease once a suitable power unit was built.


The back side of the modulator and it's fancy connection to the power unit!!


27th DECEMBER 2012:

WMR was back on the air on boxing day 26th December 2012, with a good old traditional Christmas broadcast. Only Jack was on the air from around 1130 till sign off at 1710 approx. Poor old Mike was laid up with the flu!!

Frequencies used were 5800 and 6400. The latter suffered some some QRM from Korea at times.

All in all, a great days transmissions, and we would like to thank everyone that was listening to us direct, as well as via remote tuners across the European continent.

As ever, programmes are available on demand on our WMR on line player, or downloadable as an mp3 file for your i-pod etc. Click the LISTEN AGAIN page.



31st DECEMBER 2011:

WMR has returned to the airwaves today on 6221kHz, after a long absense. The last proper transmission was Hogmanay and New Years day 2009/2010. So in theory, we have made it by the skin of our teeth, to continue to make the claim of being on the air every year for the last 32 years on the SW. Programmes today were exclusively a Jack three hour show. Mike was unable to come to the studio in time to record the shows.

The plan this festive season was to broadcast live on boxing day, 26th December, but due to not being able to get the link to the transmitter site working, and not having prepared any recorded shows, the broadcast never happened. The plan was live with phone calls, like we used to be well known for in years gone by.

Todays programmes are available on demand on our WMR on line player, or downloadable as an mp3 file for your i-pod etc. Click the LISTEN AGAIN page.

It was nice to hear from our old friends again from the world of SW free radio, including the WMR past presenter, Mark Jones, one of our German DJ's.


MAY 11th 2011:

Well despite our lack of programmes over the last couple of years, the Hoax WMR is out and about again. Direction seems to be similar to the last time they were on the air. Was that a couple of years ago??

Let it be said that the transmissions on 6210 in the evening that are playing OLD WMR shows are nothing to do with the station.

Quite what the reason for these broadcasts are is a complete mystery. Someone must have an unhealthy obsession with WMR, as they have been heard since the year 2000. That is longer than many land based pirates even last before closing down forever!! You would think that in 11 years the hoax WMR could have bought a mic and produced his own shows!!! (Maybe its a her. . .

Remember in the past these transmissions have been deliberately malicious, and have jammed WMR.




The sun has finally come back to life, and the band is looking better for low power broadcasting from the woods. Much of the 48m band has been alive again in the evening, with reliable signals.



Notes about WMR:

We did not make it to the airwaves in 2010, bar for the 1st January, even though it was our 30th anniversary. It is difficult to swallow the fact that it was over 30 years ago that three young fellas set off at about 6am to find a suitable secluded woodland to attempt to set up the first WMR broadcast. I bet the woods we initially thought were OK, when we could reach up and touch the aerial, really will be suitable now!!!!


JULY 15th 2010:






JANUARY 22nd 2010:

Well here we are, three weeks after the New Year transmission, and the programmes are only just being made available on line. The cold weather snap here in the British Isles and I think much of Europe left little inspiration for web design. Not that we were designing the WMR web site out on the ice. Well not quite.

An opportunity arose for a site at Hogmanay, and into New Years day for a limited WMR broadcast. This went out on 6400, and thanks to our site owner, and of course to the old reliable WMR TX, the broadcast ran from evening on 31st Dec, through until lunchtime on New Years day.

There was a mad rush to record a Jack and Mike show, which was eventually finished, before it was time to pack up for our Hogmanay celebrations. Such was the rush that Jack has to apologise for playing the same track at the start of his show as he did at the end of it!!!! lol.

Well at least WMR was on the air. Again skip was very long and the signals were heard better in Germany than in the UK!! Pity really. There is always the listen again button on this web site.



Some mail arrived from the "snail" mail drop, There were 5 from Germany, 1 from Holland and 2 from England. Most people will e mail us these days, but there are still a few who like to send in a good old fashioned letter.


The old WMR 100watt tx, this version rebuilt in about 2004 for a failed Xmas broadcast.
(Lost site at last minute)


This rig was used for Radio Stella, and was also on 15043 in the late 80's.



This manky old audio amp was also a refugee from Radio Stella days



The antenna was a little rough too, but at least the van was parked at the right place!!




DECEMBER 21st 2009:

We had a successful broadcast on 20th December 2009, from around 0800 thru 1800 GMT. Freq was the old channel of 6400kHz. So far, there have been about 30 e mails, from Germany, UK, Holland, Georgia in the the USA, France, Belgium.

It was good to get back on the air again, after a break of about 18 months!!



In the late afternoon, there was an unauthorised broadcast of WMR shows on 3905kHz. WMR would like to point out that these transmissions are completely unconnected with WMR, and we have no control what so ever of them.

This transmitter was active when we were on the air before, when the unknown malicious broadcaster jammed WMR a number of times. It is unknown whether there is more than one station/ transmitter involved.



I never thought I would ever go down the road of E QSLing. It was always nice to keep up tradition of hard copy QSL cards. But the QSL replies have already been e mailed out in a pdf format to all the listeners who e mailed us at the weekend. One dxer promised to send a letter as well, with some postcards etc of his qth. If a hard copy QSL is desired, they will be sent out anyway, without the need to send snail mail reports.




DECEMBER 19th 2009:

WMR is back on the air again tomorrow on 6400 for a few hours. Check the "listen again" page in the audio menu to download the programmes. There may be a stream available tomorrow, so that the files start playing straight away. There are four hours, 2 separate 1 hour shows from Jack and Mike.




WMR has at last made it back on line, after some problems with the previous hosting service. The web pages are of a similar design to the site that abrubtly left the web last year. The main difference is that they will be of a much simpler nature and less cluttery. There are two audio download pages. One for short clips and jingles, and the other for full programmes.

WMR has not been on the airwaves in 2009 at all, bar a few carrier tests. But we have not given up, so stay tuned to the receivers in the months to come. You never know what you may hear.

The SW has not been particularly inspiring of late mainly due to the lack of sunspots. It is said that a spotless sun is good for MW dxing, but for flea power transmitters around 6mHz, it is a different story. Even our last transmission in mid 2008 was difficult to hear in the UK.





WMR made a transmission on 22nd and 23rd August 2008. It was great to be back on the air after a long break of many months. We made our last transmission in February, after a weekly sched since mid 2006. Freq was AM 6400 only. Skip was rather long that weekend, and
to be honest, reception in much of the UK was a little patchy. We had some nice reports from the States though!!

It is hoped that we will be on the air a little more regularly in the near future again.

Again, WMR has to apologise for the poor response to QSL requests since 2007. They will all be replied to, maybe a job for a cold autumn night..hi.




Once again, a summer season has slipped into winter, and WMR is still battling with the propagation on SW. Again we have fallen behind a little with the QSL cards. Here at WMR, we have always believed in old fashioned, hard copy QSL cards, and strive to continue to provide such a service to the DXers who take the trouble to send us in reception reports. It is only fair that we can still verify reports. There are many stations on SW, who simply do not verify reports. This can be annoying to the dxer. Especially if the signals have travelled over a long distance.

It is not only hobby pirates who do not verify reports these days. Many of the international broadcasters are reluctant to take the time and reply to mail. Domestic radio stations heard over a long distance can be even more reluctant. Here at WMR, we have to apologise for sometimes being sluggish in getting the mail out to the listeners, but it is hoped that we will always manage to achieve this goal, eventually. Since summer 2007, there have been no QSL cards mailed, but by year end, it is hoped the backlog are all sent out.

We thank you for your patience.




Since the summer months, WMR has still been a regular voice on the SW, 6400 and // 3910 (Saturday) and 3945 (Sunday). The following announcers have been heard. Jack, Mike, Dave, (The original WMR team from the start in 1980) Andy Walker, Taff, Nick and Brian. We also relayed Radio RWE, a Polish station during our regular broadcasting sched.

We operate a weekly sched and because the shows are all pre recorded for security reasons, this means that the programmes are repeated on an MP3 player throughout the day and night, therefore it is impossible to say what show comes on when. As WMR is a hobby pirate, the programme line up can vary from week to week, depends on other commitments. Currently as it stands in November 2007, we have Jack on a weekly basis, Andy Walker on a weekly basis, and Mike is back after a few months absence, due to an accident, when he broke his ankle.

We have many kind offers from around Europe for budding SW DJs, but we have no real plans to increase the regular slots. It is assumed the interest is generated because of the better signal we have had in the last few months. I doubt if they would have been so keen if we had still been running 20 watts!! One intersting idea though was to try and encourage guest DJ shows from former SW broadcasters.


Late November 2007




1st July 2007

We are actively promoting a new better sounding e mail address of studio a t wmrscotland dot com The old yahoo address will remain open alongside this newer address, which should be ad and spam free, hopefully.

Mid summer often brings out the hoax WMR, and this year is no exception. At around 2100 UTC on 23rd June 2007, there was reported to be some slight QRM on the 3910 signal, and a shift to 3945 was temp made. Underground were not on that night on 3940, as they were in Holland at the summer meeting. Anyway, a move was made to check 3910, and it turned out the BBC Singapore relay was especially strong in Europe that night, causing us a little splatter. Fair enough. After 10m on 3945, a large carrier came on top of WMR, and remained there for a while. Just as we moved back to 3910, the carrier burst into life, and turned out to be the hoax WMR, broadcasting an old off air programme from about 2 or 3 years ago. At that time the off air tape would be made from a 20watt signal in a wood. This went on for hours. While this rebroadcasting is weird in itself, it has been going on now for some 8 summers now, it must also be noted that the last known transmission of the hoax was malicious, in the fact that it came right on top of 6400 on a Sunday morning. It also came on top of WMR while we were on 3945, and had we left the transmitters unmanned by that time, it would have deliberately spoiled the complete Saturday evenings transmission. Luckily the transmitters were manned at the time of the malicious broadcast, and a frequency shift back lf was made.

The transmission on 30th June on 3910 was interrupted a little on Saturday evening by Radio Atlantis from Holland coming onto the freq of 3907, just 3kHz away from our channel !! This problem was rectified, thanks to the Alfa Lima forum. Thank you also to Radio Atlantis for your cooperation. It is appreciated.




22nd June 2007

Added a couple of tunes to the wmr audio page. STV old theme tune Scotlandia, as well as WMR theme, Fancy Pants.

On 16th/ 17th June, after a successful Saturday night of broadcasting, the large 48m band tx broke down during the night. The audio died. Anyone who heard a carrier on 6400 earlier in the morning, heard WMR.... Around high noon in the UK, the 3910 transmitter was moved back to 48m, which is the main freq. The signal strength while down, was acceptable. An unknown signal was heard to play a few tunes around 1030 on 6400. The transmitter was repaired and back on air again in the afternoon, and continued till later that night with at one time split frequencies. (ie separate shows). A test on 6400 and 3910 was made on 21st June, to test some antenna repairs. Difficult to swallow, that we are past the longest day already.

Quite a lot of QSL packages have been sent out this week in response to the amazing reports coming in via the e mail of late. A few more to get throught, so please be patient...

Last night, 17th June UTC, around 0300UTC, there was a strong North American pirate signal noted on 6925kHz. A clip of the ID which sounded like Boomerang Radio is to be found here. Assistance anyone. Is it that Wolverine stn?? Answer, yes it is the muffled id of Wolverine Radio. Good signal, just no programming.




13th May 2007

The band was kind to us on Saturday night with both 3910 and 6400 thumping out to the UK by night. The decision was made to use 3910 at the last minute, and not 3945, but don't worry. We know Reflections Europe use the channel at 1500UTC, 1600 in the UK on Sundays. We would not want you to miss your Sunday hymns!!!




10th May 2007

After a few months of broadcasting on more or less bang on 6400, WMR has again added a 76m band channel. This part of the SW band has not been used for at least 8 or 9 years by WMR. It almost took another 8 years to find the crystals for 3mHz, but they eventually showed up. Bank holiday Monday brought our 1st test on 3945, and included some slow scan television transmissions. This was just for test purposes, to try out a small free piece of software, MMSSTV. It is available free and is about 2.5meg. search the web for MMSSTV111G.exe. These were received about 150 or 200 miles from the transmitter. Results from the 76metre band tests have been encouraging in the UK, because there has been so many weeks of long skip on 6400. e mails have been very encouraging in recent weeks as well.

SSTV Image


Programmes for 12th and 13th May will consist of Jack, Mike, Paul Graham, and Dave Anderson. It was good to record shows with Paul and Dave in the studio. This may encourage Dave to return to the fold a little more regularly. On 6th May we also had our first programme from Taffy, using a strange automated voice!!! Taffy should have his microphone working soon!!!!



29th March 2007

This last month has been a good one for Weekend Music Radio. We have eventually settled on near enough 6400. (6399.9xx), after moving from 6401 to 6400.8, (a huge frequency shift ! ). Thanks to Radio Merlin for the crystal. This will probably be the frequency used for the summer months at least. The middle of the 48m band can unfortunately be subject to stations signing on top of whatever is there!!

On 25th March, again WMR was being jammed by person or persons unknown. The freq of the jammer was around 6401, giving a nasty 1kHz tone on WMR's signal. Some crude df tests surprised us, as it seemed to suggest the signal was coming from Eire!! The signal was of a seemingly unmodulated carrier, but during some peaks when WMR signals were not present, it sounded like there was some very very low level audio there. It never crossed our minds to try for // signals in relation to the music, to see if it was a station already on air, with another tx. Watch this space.

A recent development is the introduction of streaming audio for the previous weeks show. Anyone who would like to hear our shows in MP3 format, simply click the streaming audio page.

Response to the station has also been very good, and we would like to thank so many of you for the continued support and reception reports. It is good to know we are not talking to ourselves.




20th February 2007

Since summer 2006, WMR has made it to the airwaves on a more regular basis than ever before. Both power and audio have been somewhat increased and improved, making the sound of the station one of the best on the band. Freq is currently more or less 6401kHz.

Weekend Music Radio has now been on the air longer than most of the ILR stations in the UK. WMR has been on the air longer than any of the SW stations currently active on the 48m band. (By that we mean, we have never closed down and have been active every year on the bands, since our birth). BRI (Britain Radio International) has the qualification of being second, but only just!! The first successful WMR broadcast (ie widely heard) was 27th April 1980, while BRI was born on 8th June, also in 1980 (from memory).

Free Radio has changed dramatically since the very humble beginnings as three (and shortly after four) very young fellows, with more youth on their side than today, set out to start a SW hobby pirate radio station. Radio 1 was on MW, the AM band was clearer, some European stations still closed down for the night, as did TV. Irish pirates flourished on MW. SW was very important internationally as the only medium available to reach the population centres abroad. Now of course there are both satellite and the Internet. Both are quite capable mediums to deliver radio and TV programmes worldwide, with better more reliable audio quality than Short Wave.

In the early days of WMR, there were no mobile phones, no internet, no e-mail, so response to the station consisted of a few phone calls to friends down south to see if the signal was OK. Weeks would go past and a package of mail may arrive. Maybe we would see logs in the dx press. Months sometimes would go past, and quarterly free radio publications would raise their heads. Maybe WMR would be logged within their pages, maybe not. Now we can have text messages, e mails, and logs almost straight away on line. Blog pages run by SW fans show if the signals are being heard or not. On line SW receivers are common, sited all over the world.

The studio had no PC as the main source of mp3 music. It was all vinyl and tapes in those days. There were jingles flying around over tracks and records bump starting. The maximum recording time was an hour on a C120 cassette, meaning returning to a live transmitter in the woods every hour. Now mp3 players allow as many hours as you have the time to record almost. (The rare C180 cassettes were tried at one point, but the record levels on these were too low)

WMR could be described as a bunch of old fashioned short wave / am radio buffs, who are knowingly no more than a hobby pirate chugging away to an ever decreasing and in general, older audience. That said, it is still with some pride that the station is on SW on a regular basis to this day. As long as possible, it is the intention to remain on the airwaves.


Promotional material:

QSL cards from WMR have been mailed out in early Feb, and hopefully all the listeners will have their QSL packages by the end of the month. The new web site and contact details have been included on the cards. Apologies once again for the long time it takes to send out the QSL packages from WMR sometimes. By the end of Feb, all unanswered mail should have been replied to. Anyone still waiting a reply after this time, should e mail details to us again. (Remember to include a snail mail, or postal address, for replies to be sent to. Many e-mail reports do not include such details).

In 1995 & 1996 WMR produced a very long 8 page history. There are still a few left, and these will be mailed out. Once they are gone, they are gone. The complete history can be found on the WMR web site, available to most of the listeners these days. Special circumstances to those living is remote countries with no web access will be made, if anyone really wants a hard copy.


Malicious Jamming:

Since the summer of 2000, WMR has been the victim of a hoax broadcaster. Some character with obviously good reception and recording capabilities has been recording WMR off air and rebroadcasting these tapes at a later time. At first it was curious, then odd when it was still happening year in year out. These transmissions were in general non malicious until 12th November. On this date WMR was deliberately jammed by this unknown source. Most of the Sunday morning was wasted by a signal on 6400 approx, while WMR, the real WMR was on a kHz or so hf. No reason has ever been given or worked out for these hoax broadcasts. Someone is going to a lot of trouble to cause problems for WMR.

On that subject, we have suffered some kind of jamming more than just a few times of late. Radio Duck was jamming us on 4th Feb 2007 around 1350. ( An e mail to this address produced nothing. On 10th Feb while tune up music was on, a station came on top, more like 6400.6, and played disco and dance music on top of WMR for a time, in the afternoon. The long term plans for WMR would be to move back to the clearer 41m, but at the present point in the solar cycle, we have to remain lower in freq to be heard in the UK.




16th February 2007

Inserted a form page to contact WMR instead of the e mail address. The main reason for the form is to assist in the fight against SPAM. In the end this caused more spam than it stopped. The yahoo address is still functional to anyone who prefers to use that method of contact.




11th Feb 2007

Saturday 10th Feb: WMR was being jammed again by an unknown station, while we had tune up music on the channel. The biggest thing to happen to the station this week is finally getting some mail replied to. Anyone sending e mail, remember to send a postal address if you want QSLs sent to you. Check out the rare shot below of mail being replied to!!! Thanks to all the dxers for your patience. A new updated information sheet is linked to from the top of this page. This is being mailed out with the rest of the items in the QSL packages.

WMR mail being replied to



4th Feb 2007

The last couple of weeks have been a busy time at the station, and there have been delays in getting programmes aired which have already been recorded. The shows on 4th Feb were meant to be aired on January 28th. Anyway, they are going out this weekend, and sounding rather well. A couple of photos have been added of the current antenna and transmitter used at the station

The WMR web site back on line means that at last QSL cards and billheads can pe printed out using the up to date contact details and web address. This was meanty to be done in the summer and get mail replied to, but the free web site which was signed up for was a disaster, flashing ads etc.

It is good to hear from old friends who have tuned in to the SW again. There have been quite a few fellows from the past recently tuned into WMR.

Time has to be found to update the WMR site with more images and audio now.




18th January 2007

The broadcast on 14th January on 6401kHz was a roaring success. Only 2 hours of Jack. Mike was suffering from the cold/ flu which is going around. Be assured he will be back soon. The reports have been quite good, and complimentary on the web. Thank you the Swedish report with SINPO of 4s!!

The web site was a complete surprise. No previous announcements were made on line, and we relied on the SW broadcast on 14th to publicise the revamped site. Amazingly from the statistics below, there was about 500 hits!!! Obviously the first few days traffic was testing the server/ setting up.






5th January 2007

The former web pages we hoped would become our permanent home in 2006, did not materialise. These was far too much of the screen taken up by the banners etc. A new arrangement has been found, and hopefully this will be a permanent web site.

The station continues to broadcast more weekends on 6401kHz, and since the summer months, there has been a remarkable difference made to the audio. Signals should be a little better as well, despite the frequencies around 6mHz not being ideal at the present point in the sunspot cycle.




14th June 2006

After a few years of no web site, because we lost the former host, a new free service has been set up. I know it looks like crap with half of the page taken up by advertising banners, but it is free. If there turns out any other alternative, it will be done. Another web site I set up for a local group had one advertising banner at the top, which zone alarm even takes care of, but this is crazy man.....WMR has recommenced SW transmissions on 6400 after a a long 9 month absense. Main reason is the current band conditions. Week in week out even the high power Dutchies are weak, and Laser non existant, so it seems pointless carting a 20w transmitter to the woods. The current set up should be a bit better than this.




Station News 2003

Our former web space was lost, and WMR had no web pages for a few years. In fact the next web pages were in summer 2006, but was a poor attempt at a return to the www due to using so called free servers.




21st July 03

The past weekends transmission was more of a success, running from Saturday night through to Sunday. Freq again 6400, and a new style modulator held up no problems. The transformer used is a former Radio Stella modulation transformer, used extensively in 1983!! The mod amp itself this time was an old Eagle PA Amp, which seemed to match up fine to the 807 output valve.
Thank you to everyone for all the acknowledgements having received the QSL packages. Hopefully there will be no more delays.




13th July 03

Today our transmissions failed even after a major repair to the mod stage. This resulted in about 30m of transmissions going out, when the mod blew again. The transmission was abandoned.




9th July 03

Just a thought while digging through some old notes, that some folks may like to view an e mail which WMR received in 1998. This serves as a reminder that e mail has some serious advantages, and what careless use of the bands can result in. The e mail was circulated in the free radio world back then, and stations still pop up around this area of the band. The proper e mail addresses have been edited out, and we ask that these band users are not contacted by anyone. The information shown here is for historical reference only.




7th July 2003

The transmission on July 6th was hoped to air on the night of 5th July, but because Mike and Jack were away on a sailing cruise on the world famous Waverly, the transmission did not go on air until around 1330 on Sunday 6th July. The Waverly is the last ocean going paddle steamer in the world and at one time made a trip around the Mi Amigo in 1978. Sadly this was after the Mi Amigo sank in March of that year, and we are unsure if the trip was canceled or not. The WMR broadcast started off fine, but a fault developed in the modulator not long after sign on, which was a bit of a pain. Sadly the rest of the transmission was a bit of a disaster, but at least there was a carrier on the new channel of 6400. This should be the frequency used for the rest of the summer months, as the 6310 channel seems to have some heavy digital type traffic on now, which wasn't there a few weeks ago, or at least any time we tuned in.

All mail has just been posted now, and should be with the listeners within the week. Let us hope the QSL packages are appreciated, and that they reach their destinations safely.




1st July 2003

At last after many years of no mail being replied to, WMR has again began to send out QSL packages. These have been mailed out in late June/ early July 2003. There is on July 1st, a large bundle left to post, which should go out this coming week. Hopefully this page will be added to regularly in the weeks to come. Future possibilities include a mailbox page, as opposed to a guest book, which we have no control over.




Must get this mail replied to
"I must get this mail replied to in the next 5 years or so..."